Wednesday, January 28, 2004


Tommorow perhaps we will be discussing about JunJun+Wei-G's birthday celebration's. Hmmm... seems like the 2 guys will only get to know what are the plans we have in mind on the day itself, keke....

A few days ago, i also noticed that Business course in Polytechnics requires Humanities. How ironic... well, seems like the path towards Science had been laid for me. Perhaps I might enter Medical Technology, Optometry, etc. Today, I also recieved the 'Big Book' from Nayang Polytechnic. So tonight I will be reading through it :D

Well, see those going for the C7 tomorrow and hope to see the rest soon ^^.

Sweet dreams all

Kng Wee(Green)

General Paper !!!

How's ur day at school today ? (for kng kng, how r u at home ?) i'm online doin research for GP topic "Male Subjugation" IRRITATING TOPIC !!!!!!! So the frustrating doing it ! find online oso cannot find any understand-able information..and it's due next come first 3mths so stressful de ?!?!?!

Haiyoh..sumtimes going to school is really dreadful, doing all the work is really yao ming(want life)how come jc life is not as fun as it was said ? But certainly really very stressful..

I duno how are u guys coping in school, hope u guys are having fun and coping well ! Realy miss tokking to you guys like tat time in pasir ris park..really wan to pour myself out to you guys sumday--soon ! MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCHHHH !!!!

Hugggsss & Kissesssss,

Shan Shan (purple)

Monday, January 26, 2004


Yesterday, I went to KBox with another group of friends and yet I was thinking that when will C7 go KBox together the whole time. Since not everyone might be interested in singing, perhaps we could just do with a simple get-together session. How I missed C7...

Shanshan informed that she's not free on Monday which is tomorrow but she's free for the other days. Susu's reply was the opposite though, free on Monday and busy on the others. How could fate been so irritating?

Kng Wee (Green)

Sunday, January 25, 2004


miss u guys alot! hope to see u all soon!!!haven see each other for one week.... sobz...

tata~ tt's all....hope more c7 member write here...!!

Friday, January 23, 2004


I got this feeling when I'm writing in the online dairy. I feel as though I had not see the rest of the C7 for yrs~! I wonder when i can see them again. How I longed to see them...

Getting tired le~ Seems like the dreamland had booked me ^^ Therefore, cya tmr my dear dairy.

Kng Wee~

Thursday, January 22, 2004


1st of all, Happy CNY to all my dearest C7 members. Even though we couldn't make it to KBox for some reasons, but it is not as if we will not be able to go anymore, isn't it? So don't feel so guilty ^^

Well, after we had finish celebrating our Logistics-IC, Shan Yi(Shan Shan)'s bday, it's time to get ready for Jun Sheng(JunJun) n Wei Jie(Wei-G)'s bday which is on 28 Feb n 3 March respectively. What shld we get from them? hmmm......tricky qns.

Since we got 2 types of gift for ShanShan, we will gif 2 types to Wei-G n JunJun. The more 'physical' seems easier, perhaps a bag for Wei-G(he said yellow is nicer =X) n for JunJun=???

Finally is the present that shld hav all our Xing Yi inside. For ShanShan's bday, we cooked her a xtremely-filling meal(that we will neber forget, especially the forfeits~) n oso 2 boxes of hand-made cookies(hope shanshan did not got stuck in toilet after eating, keke). So wat abt Wei-G's n JunJun's bday? well, the rest of the C7 are still having a headache abt it.

2.20am, finished writing this. better get some slp, still need to go relatives hse even though i cannot Bai Nian ^^ Sweet Dreams all n to my Dairy too.

Kng Wee~

PS. Please include ur name so we noe whu wrote the passage.

chinese new year!

This is the very first chinese new year that c7 celebrate together! new year new start! hope everibody will stay cool cute and c.....

so happy and excited....!!!!

(counting down to weijie's and junjun's bdae.....)

Number of days left:38 dayz....>


first.... nv ever thought i will have to start a diary under such situation.... first month anniversary...and the first time i feel that the friendship is shaky... maybe not so for other c7s.....but between mi shanyi and weijie....

today went to lib wif shanyi and kng wee... and mama(s) call..... from their tone.... shanyi and mi knoe we tml cannot go kbox....first thing that comes to our mind --> how to tell the others?

cos all the while we know everibody veri enthu... kng is counting down...and weijie..even though he need to go sch in the morning..he still wanna go kbox... we knoe everybody is looking 4ward... mi and shanyi as well.... cos everitime we will have great fun without fail...

k....finally broke the news to kng wee...he say nvm.....den msg weijie...

weijie sounds disappointed sad and angry...

mi and shanyi .... helpless.....guilty....

we talked over the phone and found that the frienship is shaky....we know it is hard to be together all the while.... jcs... is full of activities....project and long time will be hard for us to gather.... and only one month...den this kind of thing happen... only one feeling : scared

scared tat we will drift apart... we promised to be each other 's children godma and pa... we promised to last...we promised to open a new shop.... so many promises....i dun wan them to turn into empty promises....

for today's miscommunication...i tink mi and shanyi really have to bear all the responsibility....cos we nv spare thought for u all....we always leave to last min den the end....that's y when turn out lydat....

we really veri veri veri scared....insecure and insecure and insecure.... juz now online that time... shanyi say she online u offline... can feel sumthin wrong liao.... the tears juz.... haiz....(same thing goes to shanyi...she *** as well) we really cherish it alot alot! a lifetime friendship...i dun wan it to end in a month....

we will make sure we confirm things properly wif our mother first b4 telling u all.....

friendship is all about caring and effort...

frienship...there is always bound to have obstacles... either it gets stronger after obstacle or ....

i hope.... we will make our frienship stronger and not ....

buddha bless us....

(feelings: sad .. insecure... heartbroken)