Thursday, February 10, 2005


part of this entry is in response to the previous entry. well, i do agree that it is my fault for not being able to make time to meet up with c7 before new year for a reunion dinner. for me, the period beofre new year is always very busy. y? cos i have to tackle between school work and helping my mum with the springclean for the chinese new year. i had already stated right at the beginning when someone suggest about meeting up for a reunion dinner dat i would have to help my mum. dat was y i got piss off when u keep asking and asking. i am those impatient type who cant stand ppl who keep repeating themselves. i do not do dat to you only but to whoever dat is like dat.

yes, i said that being frineds should be frank. thank you for telling mi what u are unhappy about mi. at least i know in wat way i had made ppl ard mi unhappy and i can try to change for the better so that i will not make ppl feel irritated. maybe u are not the only one being pissed off during the two event that u stated. others might also had got pissed off but they din say it out.

certain things that i want to clarify. i seriously, badly dun like black. that is why i strongly oppose to all black t-shirt. come my hse and see if u dun believe. i only have 2 black tee and the two are school tee. kranji band tee and yj sabah expedition tee. can say i very 'pang dang' or wat but i juz dun like to wear black. i am ok with white tee but it is juz dat we could not find any white tee dat is appealing to us.

regarding the kbox, well, i think that one is my first time, and also my last time. so u wunt get irritated by me in kbox ever again. or maybe, no one in c7 will get irritated by mi ever again in kbox if i happen to make anyone else irritated.

no one is perfect in this world. that is always ought to be something that we do not like about each other. most of the time, we cant see our own mistakes and need someone to tell us.

ever since i had enter a jc, i dun know y but i juz starts to have very low confidence about myself. i believe think that everyone around mi is much more better than mi. i think that i am an 'extra' to everyone. i am scared to make friends because i am scared that ppl around mi finds mi irritating. most of the time, i always ask myself if i had made ppl unhappy but i could not find any answer because i dun know. even for c7, i oso wonder how many times had i made u all feel 'fan gan' over mi. i wonders but i cant get any ans....

this is something deep in my heart and u all are the first to know how i feel most of the time when i mix with ppl...

to c7, if i have, in any way, made u all feel irritated about mi, pls tell mi cos i really want an answer...



if u tink commenting frankly will be a gd idea to voice ur unhappiness, then u are wrong. i'm sure u hav felt how it is like when u wan c7 to meet, but no one replies nor reaching an agreement. well, dats wat i feel. sincerely, i would like everyone of us meeting for a reunion dinner or so. therefore i was hopping that we will be free (especially u). fine wif u saying me abt mon n tues. cos i forgotten that onli sp n nyp are having holi this week, happi? then tues is i miscount the date, fine wif it?

anyway, since u said that being friends, shld be frank, i will voice out alot of things all at once.however, since i dun normally remember any grudges, so i will jus say those i can remember.

1st: buying of c7 that tee in bugis.

i onli told su abt this, but i thought i better say it out. WJ n Shan, u 2 said i can moodchange, n gif me this event as a example, so i will tell u wat happened n wat i was tinking. we were choosing a c7 Tee. Choo commented that she dun wan black or white tee, so we suppose to get 1 color tee. then i like this black one alot, but choo wanted the blue one. it's seems so unreasonable. y can she choose the color she wans n not me? this was so unfair to me. i like the black tee alot n choo jus say: "wah liao, dun wan black la" and many others which i can't seems/dun wanna remember. Therefore, i asked if u all wanted blue. the reply from wj was 'yes'. so ok, fine, let's take blue, i compromise.

2nd event that i remember:shan's bday at kbox. choo, u are not the onli one there. i, whu is there OSO, wanted to sing too. even u tink that song is not nice, or not to u liking, u do NOT hav the right to tell me not to sing that song, Notice that i use TELL and not ASK. normally when we go kbox, the rest oso choose songs that i neber hear b4, which i tink oso not nice for some(to the rest: dun be offended, i'm not in gd mood when typing this), i oso neber say anything, jus sit there quiet quiet n listen. but u, din. i like liang jing ru song, especially Wo Shi Xing Fu De. i LOVE to sing that song. n u were there complaining or shld i say whining that it is not nice n asked jun to skip it. if i were to says, this IRRITATES ME. n speaking of pissing me of, i tink u pissed me much more often, onli i neber say anything.

well, since todae is the 1st day of new yr, i will jus write all i wanted to say. hopefully i wun get any of these probs for the rest of the lunar year.

Happy new yr,Green

Saturday, February 5, 2005

sad sad week

i joke, i smile and i lame with everyone. deep inside...and am feeling very unhappy.

today, my mood is very very bad. or should i say, have been feeling down for the pass few days. maybe its becuase of my studies that is affecting my mood so much.

Monday, i have my physics test. then got back the paper on wednesday. despite of the effort that i put in to study for the test, i only manage to scrape thru' it. where does the problem lies?

then on the very same day that we i got back my paper, i got another maths test. its on polar coordinate, a futher maths chapter. again, i got study for the test but then....i juz forget everything during the test itself. in the end, my graph went haywire. gonna fail this test again.

then today friday, i have another test AGAIN. chemistry. luckily the teacher forgot about the test. she wasted my time studying for the test when i could actually done my homework which is to hand in today. in the end, i have to keep rushing to complete my homework so as to hand in today. every single second i have must also make use of it fully.

suddenly, i got really piss off by kng. kng, if u are reading tis, i juz wanna tell u dat i am going to be very frank here. if u are going to get angry over it, then i have nothing to say. i think that being friends, we should be able to accept each other's comment and change for the better.

anyway, this is what happend that made mi so pissed off. kng msg, i believe, to everyone this morning asking if we are going out tml anot. i did not feel like replying to the msg but only have done so very reluctantly when i say the two words "pls cfm". u know y i don't feel like replying? cos i have already said dunno how many times that i will not be free before new year cos i have to help my mum with the springcleaning. again and again, i have repeated dunno for how many times liao. and dat day, susu also said that u all can go ahead with any plans without mi. why do you still have to keep asking the same question? it is irritating to give the same ans again and again.

well then, i replied the msg and i tot its going to be the end. fullstop. no, i was wrong. kng replied again and ask what about monday or tue evening. well kng, i think u got to use your brain to think sometimes. tuesday is the new year eve. who would be free to come out on that night? most of us will be at home having our reunion dinner with our own family. and for monday, we are stilling having school. and as u all know, i am home so late everyday. how would i have the time to meet on a weekday when i do not even have the time to spare on a weekend.

it wunt kill mi to confirm with u for so MANY times. but i juz wanna say that it is irritating to say the same things for so many times. it can spoil my mood.

anyway, new year is coming. Hopefully i can get a break and feel much better during new year!

Happy New Year to C7! -orange

Wednesday, February 2, 2005

am i dreaming?!?!

hmm...juz feel like blogging suddenly cos too long never blog le. year 2005 started for one mth le....i still lydat. abit sad lor...cos i realize that i really wasted my last year. everything i wanna do like oso dunno how to do lor...cos i dunno wat i have learnt. hopefully i will be in time to finishing studying last year's things and this year's thing in time for the exam...

anyway, i got a shock today. y leh? cos i suddenly miss C7...then go to our blog see a big shock lor. the last time which i see is the rainbow that susu do. i like dat one alot sia. but then, oso dunno wat happen, it became one star. then after that, i go gallery there, got nothing. i go tagboard there, oso nothing de. suddenly the whole blog looks like only have a star and words with a very black background.

then hor...something very funny happened again. C7...guess wat!!! i press the refresh button cos i tot my eyes got prob leh. then hor, think my eye really got prob leh. or maybe i too tired then juz now day dreaming ther. *POP it became rainbow again!!! then everything is back to normal. hmm...i am dreaming?!?!

anyway, i really tired lor. got loads of work to do and i having a had time to catch up. haiz...tml still got co =(

hmm...mi wanna go jia you le la. C7 oso wanna jia you hor!!!!!
