Saturday, February 28, 2004

Handsome Tan's 2nd Entry

Hehe, besides, the other thing that shocked me and delightful news is that our top BenjaminHO!! lolx!! unbelievable man~ tot would be either choon siong, sharon or cheng jia one... but very good for him la hehe~

However, *sigh* jun2, i think he also din manage to get his target then when i see him so sad, even cried, i feel so panicky and worried, keep calling susu ova... Bu Zhi Shuo Chuo then he left the school without letting us know made me feel more worrying la...

Hopefully he would be happy tmr, when we celebrate our BD... hope he's alright.

Then we go to shanyi's house AGAINZ after taking the results... *see, i abandoned BFC* then also have our good time, haha. and this wanwan and gang very bad...keep keeping me in suspense regarding tmr...haha

Ah, we managed to talk with wanwan then everything's fine now i suppose. Her email was really encouragable. Not like.. NTBM la.

Hehe, really looking forward for tmr's celebration... would be the BEST BD celebration with friends in my life bahz *i suppose so* kaka =p let's see how they plan it...kaka

*wahahaha 1st one to write abt O LEVEL results!!!!!**

~Yellow~ a.k.a Chao Ji Wu Di Mei Shao Nan (weijie)

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Cutie Tan's First Entry

Okie, first of all, im realy glad that i've a group of good (haha some1 must be thinking "Good ONLY? IZZIT?") or rather no VERY close friends. haha...hmmm each and everyone has your VERY own personalities and characters. The BEST thing is that though we are diff, we still get along with each other very well by accomodating and compromise each other?

Of coz, i always look forward to an outing with C7, feeling DAMN excited after we settled everything nicely (like wad time meet, gg where etc) and often get Shi Mian easily recently...maybe you guys ARE the cause! haha!

**Sensitive part** However, it's rather sad? disappointing? dunno wad to sae, when some1 in here is not really A and C? i FEEL la, maybe *not-to-be-mentioned* cant really express *NTBM*-self well? But hopefully everything's fine. *NTBM*> im not pointing at you...but some actions and words from you really... maybe u might want to talk with me? Well, like what i've told at neutral side loh...

Haha, say smth joyous ^^ yesterday (past 12 liao..), was DAMN fun! haha playing table tennis @ cck stadium! Wow! Well, againz, kana defeated by someone who just learnt that day ~.~ sad ah...Choo Da Jie was too pro to be defeated by us! WOW even jun2's not her opponent okie! Haha, then there's this fire alarm thingy...oh manz irritating leh! im sure u guys find it too!

Haha, following next, we went back to KSS to kajiao teacher... then we have THIS Ms Leong's thingy!

Then we have our POOL session... our coach is no other than our pool king>> Kang Kang! wah lau really alot of "pattern" hor...siao siao.... actually im not bad oso la.. 1st time play it and almost win him!

Then we went to 4 horse road to pray ^^ 2 bad choo and jun cant join us... and XH's not here with us.. HOWEVER we still managed to pray for all of us and of coz our family too ^^ Well, ytd was the earliest day that we went home but it's one of the most enjoyable and worthy day though.

With my sleepy eyes, NOW is 12.33 21 Feb 2004, i shall end my first entry!

Yellow Yellow Dirty Fellow

(is a cutie pie in actual)

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

A lot of things

I got no time to write these few days because either my sister is using it or my brother is using the cable for his labtop to download something. So I am going to write what I haf been through these few days. So, please take some time to read. Ok?

4th february 2004, wednesday

Got ODAC today. My first impression of ODAC is Outgoing, Daring, Activities and Challenging. Then after reaching the park, I found out how true it is.

The notice board said that we are going to Macritchie park. I was a little excited at first until they said that we need to run 4.8km.

Ok lor so I run. But run so long then got break. Never mind lor so I continue running. Huh? How come no one bring water can or something for people to drink water? What if something happens to someone? Thay are so unprepared!

Run finish already then we all thought can enjoy the air con on the bus back to pjc. Huh? Must go home on our own? Its like You Qu Wu Hui. Then must take 2 buses and stand for 45 minutes.
Now I know that I am right about ODAC. Really outgoing-go so far, daring-run in the rain(raining that day), activities-warm up exercise and running, challenging-run and no water and only short rest.

The only good thing that day is that I think I meet my primary school friend. But she does not seem to know me. Two years classmates leh.

6th february 2004, saturday

I am very happy today because I first time ponteng school. Two days somemore arh (thursday and friday). And also because we go play badminton and mahjiong today. We also go to the Jade Crystal Restaurant to have our dinner. Frankly speaking, I really did not know that it ever existed because I so long did not go Jurong point already. Its is also the first time I have friends coming to my house this year. (honoured huh?) Hope we can play table tennis sometime this week because I so long did not play hands itchy already.

9th february 2004, monday

Nothing much. Just feel so sian today. Jusy doesn't feel fit in today. Maybe because I did not go to school for two days or maybe I am influenced by poly. And also because after missing 2 days of school, I got more work to do now,

10th february 2004, tuesday

Finally I can write about today's things. Today I first time copy homework and first time did not know what the maths teacher is talking about. So many first time but why do most of them have to be negative?

By the way, I was online late these few days because I was so tired that I took a nap in the afternoon. Then, either my sister is using the computer or my brother is using the cable to download vcds. So, I may be online late these few days too (maybe about 10pm). Don't miss me. I look forward to our next meeting. Feel better now. But still got homework to do. Haiya!

Love, red

Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Final Decision ?

Today i juz ask my hometutor for withdrawal form..and he's givin me tmr..aiyoo i can never imagine myself taking the withdrawl form leh..i tot i will finish this 3mths course at MI-but i'm wrong..It's not that i dun like the school lor.. but it's tat i realise tat i dun like the JC system at all..i asked myself why do i want to get into a JC ? The answer tat came to me was: Becos tat's the route to local U..and not becos i like to study the subjects at JC!!! So ironic rite ? Choose a route which i dun like..sumtimes even detest it ? Why make life difficult ? Not tat Poly life will be all tat easy but at least mass com is wad i wan to study - sumthing tat i wan..

Nobody knoes the future i may or may not get into local U if i get ino a JC..there are alot of mays and may nots..if i choose to go poly..i'll have to ans for my own actions rite ? So shall i do sumthing tat i like or shall i choose sumthing tat i dislike but provides a safer route ?

I'm disscussing abt the withdrawal thing wif my parents tonite, duno was will they say..and duno if i will hand up the withdrawal form anot..

Hmm and sumthing to note.. i realise wei-g and xiaohui diden even have one diary they noe abt this C7 diary thingy ???

Shan Shan ~ Purple ~

P.S: bt kng kng's badmiton thingy..i gotto ask my parents wor..cos ar like keep goin out lydat..sun go out..thurs/fri go openhouse..sat wan to go play badminton again...hmm see if rest of the pple on anot lor..den i'll see how..hehe mabby can bring majong set play at badminton court ya ? hehe ;p

Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Wonderful Day

After KBox-ing, we went to meet with the rest of the C7, Xiao Hui and Choochoo-Jie. We had a nice and quite long talk in MacDonalds. Wei-G and Junjun never gave up in trying to trick us into saying out how we planned to celebrate their birthday. Wei-G and Junjun, you two want to know right?

D R E A M O N!








Just before we left, an Aunty working at MacDonald asked whether we want to eat ice-cream. We all Bu Yue Er Tong looked at Wei-G(he owned each of us one ice-cream for waiting for him the previous meeting). Soon, we were licking on our $0.25 ice-cream.

Then, we decided to go Shanshan's house to play Mahjong. I wonder how did we end up deciding to play Mahjong, lol. At her house, we noticed a trend that whenever C7 teaches a newbie to play Mahjong, the greenhorn will have alot of beginner's luck, haha. At first, it was Choochoo-Jie who kept winning. Then after Xiao Hui n Choochoo-Jie left, and after we had eaten the home-delievery-pizzas(plus watching Ji Xiang Ru Yi on Channel U), Shanshan kept winning, lol.

If not for Wei-G, Shanshan could have won 4 or 5 times(can't remember) continuously, haha...

NEWSFLASH: The countdown for the overnight stay at Shanshan's house had been cancelled. Her dad casted a Forbidden spell on the Mahjong, lol.

So now, the only thing we could do is to organize a chalet in the March holidays or something. Then we can play Tong Xiao Mahjong.

Lastly, please state whether you all are free this coming Saturday for Badminton ^^Y.


PS: Jun: No, you can't be colourless :P>

Monday, February 2, 2004


By the way, I am still excited about tomorrow's KBox. But I still got that GP essay and file to do. Should I do it later? Or should I do it in the morning. Or should I do it after I come back tomorrow? Or maybe I won't...

I think I go sleep now. See you!

JunJun, Colourless (can?)

Poly might not lose to JC

Anyway, after poly, one can still attain higher education in University ^^. Even though it's only the top few percent that might enter. But, at least Poly life is not as stress as JC life, right?

So, what about Jun Jun, Wei-G and XH? What are your plans? Oh ya, one advice, don't live your life just to stress yourself up :D ("Not" aiming at JC life). Anyway, for those who might consider Poly, I suggest you all check out the Poly open house :D Tell me if you all going, I also want to go look around.

That's all folks (From Looney Tunes)



Junjun arh...cant u juz accept the fact dat u are RED!!! If u insist on being blue...then sad for sy arh...the rainbow living in her heart have no red. :P haha...mi sort of lame rite.

As for shanshan, now then u know why i want to go to a poly liao rite. I juz dun wish to stay in a jc and in the end my language (GP plus Chinese) suffers. Seriously speaking, i go jc for maths and chem only. I dun like other subject including physics. So now u finally "understooded" how susu and mi felt rite. (hopefully susu is feeling the same thing as mi) :P

Hah...suddenly got a feeling that kng is very happy and is thinking...

"Haha, go jc first three mths for wat. Now u all having a headache, dunno wat to do. See, i dun haf to worry so much, the route is setted for mi. Biotech. Wat so great of going to a jc. Jc might not lose to poly hor."

Mi laming again...haha...tis leader here so lame today arh. I oso dunno why...K la, mi dun lame liao. Have to go do tutorials for the sake of meeting u all on Monday. (see how honorable u ppl are) :p

Alright then...u all enjoy ur day at KBox on Monday! Cya.


Sunday, February 1, 2004


hmm suddenly i feel like going to a poly wad i really wan to do after i leave school..mass com at Ngee Ann or Biz Admin at S'p..even susu and choo choo are thinking of goin to poly after O's results are out..perhaps we are all scared by first i was very keen in goin to a jc de..when choo choo sae she wanna go poly i even ask her to think properly..cos i nv imagine her to be in a poly..when susu sae she wanna go poly i was oso quite shocked..cos she oso very keen in going to a jc..but suddenly after my research on "Male Subjugation" i am really very sick of it...i really dun wan more of it..anymore GP..

Suddenly very confused wan to make up my mind to go poly and quit sch now...but you abit fang bu xia i finally feel how susu and choo choo feel recently i oso bought LIME magazine..i dun see LIME one lah but dis issue they got an extra booklet tat toks bt poly i buy one copy and see lor..den i realise hor..the Perfect 98.7 DJ Jean Danker is from Ngee Ann Mass Com de leh ! Futhermore, the Channel NewsAsia Newscaster Cheryl Fox is oso from Ngee Ann Mass Com ! Suddenly it gave me a new hope - going to poly can oso realise my dream - to be a newscaster..

i duno wad is my zui hou jue ding leh...but i really hope that the day of releasing O's results will come faster so i can make my final decision..if not feel so unsteady.. like dunno where i'm heading to lydat...

hmm after tokking so much abt dis confusing matter..hehe on a lighter note...YEAH I"M METTING C7 ON HARI RAYA HAJI !!!!!! hehe alwayz so happy when i can meet u guys....mon faster come ! mon faster come ! MON FASTER COME !

Shan Shan ~ Purple

My 1st entry

Looks stupid to be talking to a diary but this is my 1st diary entry in c7 site.(yeah)

Actually I am getting used to pjc now. The timetable doesnt seem that long now but its tiring to wait for kok siong and gen shen they all after school. The canteen food still sucks. Like the noodles is so plain. The only good thing about the canteen is that can (or may) get more food after 2pm (if they are still selling) Like the chicken rice auntie give free eggs to people and the noodles auntie give more noodles. No extra charges. :)

Also, how come the site so plain. The picture also not nice.

Oh yeah, by the way, how come so little entries. Wei jie and Xiao hui didn't write at all.

Blue (not red hor i telling u now) :)