Monday, February 2, 2004


Junjun arh...cant u juz accept the fact dat u are RED!!! If u insist on being blue...then sad for sy arh...the rainbow living in her heart have no red. :P haha...mi sort of lame rite.

As for shanshan, now then u know why i want to go to a poly liao rite. I juz dun wish to stay in a jc and in the end my language (GP plus Chinese) suffers. Seriously speaking, i go jc for maths and chem only. I dun like other subject including physics. So now u finally "understooded" how susu and mi felt rite. (hopefully susu is feeling the same thing as mi) :P

Hah...suddenly got a feeling that kng is very happy and is thinking...

"Haha, go jc first three mths for wat. Now u all having a headache, dunno wat to do. See, i dun haf to worry so much, the route is setted for mi. Biotech. Wat so great of going to a jc. Jc might not lose to poly hor."

Mi laming again...haha...tis leader here so lame today arh. I oso dunno why...K la, mi dun lame liao. Have to go do tutorials for the sake of meeting u all on Monday. (see how honorable u ppl are) :p

Alright then...u all enjoy ur day at KBox on Monday! Cya.


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