Saturday, February 21, 2004

Cutie Tan's First Entry

Okie, first of all, im realy glad that i've a group of good (haha some1 must be thinking "Good ONLY? IZZIT?") or rather no VERY close friends. haha...hmmm each and everyone has your VERY own personalities and characters. The BEST thing is that though we are diff, we still get along with each other very well by accomodating and compromise each other?

Of coz, i always look forward to an outing with C7, feeling DAMN excited after we settled everything nicely (like wad time meet, gg where etc) and often get Shi Mian easily recently...maybe you guys ARE the cause! haha!

**Sensitive part** However, it's rather sad? disappointing? dunno wad to sae, when some1 in here is not really A and C? i FEEL la, maybe *not-to-be-mentioned* cant really express *NTBM*-self well? But hopefully everything's fine. *NTBM*> im not pointing at you...but some actions and words from you really... maybe u might want to talk with me? Well, like what i've told at neutral side loh...

Haha, say smth joyous ^^ yesterday (past 12 liao..), was DAMN fun! haha playing table tennis @ cck stadium! Wow! Well, againz, kana defeated by someone who just learnt that day ~.~ sad ah...Choo Da Jie was too pro to be defeated by us! WOW even jun2's not her opponent okie! Haha, then there's this fire alarm thingy...oh manz irritating leh! im sure u guys find it too!

Haha, following next, we went back to KSS to kajiao teacher... then we have THIS Ms Leong's thingy!

Then we have our POOL session... our coach is no other than our pool king>> Kang Kang! wah lau really alot of "pattern" hor...siao siao.... actually im not bad oso la.. 1st time play it and almost win him!

Then we went to 4 horse road to pray ^^ 2 bad choo and jun cant join us... and XH's not here with us.. HOWEVER we still managed to pray for all of us and of coz our family too ^^ Well, ytd was the earliest day that we went home but it's one of the most enjoyable and worthy day though.

With my sleepy eyes, NOW is 12.33 21 Feb 2004, i shall end my first entry!

Yellow Yellow Dirty Fellow

(is a cutie pie in actual)

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