Wednesday, February 11, 2004

A lot of things

I got no time to write these few days because either my sister is using it or my brother is using the cable for his labtop to download something. So I am going to write what I haf been through these few days. So, please take some time to read. Ok?

4th february 2004, wednesday

Got ODAC today. My first impression of ODAC is Outgoing, Daring, Activities and Challenging. Then after reaching the park, I found out how true it is.

The notice board said that we are going to Macritchie park. I was a little excited at first until they said that we need to run 4.8km.

Ok lor so I run. But run so long then got break. Never mind lor so I continue running. Huh? How come no one bring water can or something for people to drink water? What if something happens to someone? Thay are so unprepared!

Run finish already then we all thought can enjoy the air con on the bus back to pjc. Huh? Must go home on our own? Its like You Qu Wu Hui. Then must take 2 buses and stand for 45 minutes.
Now I know that I am right about ODAC. Really outgoing-go so far, daring-run in the rain(raining that day), activities-warm up exercise and running, challenging-run and no water and only short rest.

The only good thing that day is that I think I meet my primary school friend. But she does not seem to know me. Two years classmates leh.

6th february 2004, saturday

I am very happy today because I first time ponteng school. Two days somemore arh (thursday and friday). And also because we go play badminton and mahjiong today. We also go to the Jade Crystal Restaurant to have our dinner. Frankly speaking, I really did not know that it ever existed because I so long did not go Jurong point already. Its is also the first time I have friends coming to my house this year. (honoured huh?) Hope we can play table tennis sometime this week because I so long did not play hands itchy already.

9th february 2004, monday

Nothing much. Just feel so sian today. Jusy doesn't feel fit in today. Maybe because I did not go to school for two days or maybe I am influenced by poly. And also because after missing 2 days of school, I got more work to do now,

10th february 2004, tuesday

Finally I can write about today's things. Today I first time copy homework and first time did not know what the maths teacher is talking about. So many first time but why do most of them have to be negative?

By the way, I was online late these few days because I was so tired that I took a nap in the afternoon. Then, either my sister is using the computer or my brother is using the cable to download vcds. So, I may be online late these few days too (maybe about 10pm). Don't miss me. I look forward to our next meeting. Feel better now. But still got homework to do. Haiya!

Love, red

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