Saturday, January 27, 2007


lol time flies indeed! and yea jun, i CAN reply, just the matter of when! hah

Anyway, my 2 weeks in the Tekong Resorts can say quite SLACK, FAST and FUN. lol however, the 2 adjustment weeks had past. The following life in bmtc dunno will be a nitemare as many have been describing. Yea~

Now, botak, haha, bunk mates said i look younger :) and diff as compared to before being shaved.

Foodwise not as bad as we thought and yes, confirmed, flatfoot also go thru bmt as normal pple... (lol know who im talking to). Overall, still surviving la... u all neh? nv update blog i also dunno what is gg on neh....

Sad enough, after booking in, gg to "confine" another saturdae due to field camp.... argh...

Yea, miss ya guys! hehe... sms me whenever possible given dat my batt is 'fighting fit'! hehe

jie, yellow

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Japalan Stuff


I'm finally home today! These two weeks have been quite busy for me as I'm occupied with guard duties and internal audit preparation stuff back at the camp. How are you wj? Oops! I forgot you cannot answer haha. So Tired! I felt like a robot working for days and on. No time to think about any other things other than work. No time to think about booking out, going out, kbox-ing... until today!

Just about 2 more weeks and its 1 more year to my ORD. Sometimes its quite depressing to see people ORD yet I also felt glad that they are no more restrained and tied down. They are free to pursue their dreams and roam around anywhere they want. My day will come soon!

For now, I'm looking forward to Chinese New Year. Too bad I still don't feel any CNY atmosphere though...

Aiya. Time to get ready to go camp again. See you next time C7 blog!

C7 hong ren

Saturday, January 20, 2007

How's everybody doing?

Yeah! It's weekend finally. Wondering how's everybody doing cos this blog have been so very quiet. Haha. Shanyi busy with impre...susu busy studying...kng busy looking forward to graduation...jun busy looking forward to ord and wj busy looking forward to 27 Jan?

I am going to be very chui very soon. Tkd training for almost everyday. But it's nice to note that it is already mid jan, which means I have one and a half months more before competition is over. And I am feeling so relieve that I do not have to train for sparring as well because they finally found someone to take over me. I just have to pray hard that the fighters don't get any injuries so that I would not have to play the role of an reserve. Haha.

Tutorials are already piling up for me because I am always feeling so shagged after trainings. Biz law is driving with crazy because my english is so terrible and I need to study biz law with a dictionary. Really wonder how's susu actually coped with it last sem. And I really hope that I can get a B+ like you did for biz law.

But I feel so happy doing accounting and financial management tutorials because I finally get to press the calculator. Haha. Really love my calculator soo very much because i hardly have the chance to use it so often last sem.

Ok! My books are waiting for me already. Time to study. Bye!


Saturday, January 13, 2007

What is happening to chinese in Singapore?

What is happening to chinese in Singapore?

I was queuing up at Popular to buy something just now. And right beside the queue were assesment books for kindergarden kids. A mother was flipping through the pages of an english assesment and testing her kid's knowledge. Then next up was maths. The kid is pretty interested with the assesment books and so, the mother decided to them for her kid.

Just before the mother was about to leave that section, the kid picked a chinese book and asked, "Mummy, what about the chinese assesment?". The reply was shocking.

"No. I don't want to buy chinese to you. No point teaching you chinese because it is not going to be important."

Oh my! I can't believe a mother telling that to her kid, a child who shows interest and no sign of procrastination towars chinese. And if the mother thinks that chinese is not important, she should not have told the 5 years old kid about what she thinks. Why just make the kid shut off from chinese instead of giving the kid a chance to explore into the world of chinese?

It makes me wonder...

How many Singaporean parents are actually doing that to their kids? How many would actually try to cultivate interest towards chinese into their kids? Why have chinese became so unimportant in the eyes of many Singaporeans?


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Time Flies

Hey peeps!

Time flies, soon, im gg to get enlisted! Woot~! Wanting to get in fast and end the 9 weeks bmt soon! Anyway, i really feel nth towards it lo... it's pple ard me keep "annoying" me as if im gg for life sentence or sort... i mean im mentally prepared actually, yea... so should and wanting to hear more positive remarks like "wo deng ni hui lai!", "hen kuai guo qu de!" etc etc but i always hear otherwise!!

Nevertheless, i shall perservere, not forgeting to enjoy! hehe~

Oh yea. Peeps... some points to note for an entry (or even to log in).
1. Note that you if are existing (old/former) blogspot user. If not, just sign up as per normal
2. If u have an account here before, log in thru' the old one and there will be instructions or steps to follow to change to the new one.
3. To log in the new blogspot acct, ur username = ur FULL email address. FULL de...
4. Yea start blogging! (yet to see susu's presence, only see her smiley face with shan ;p)

that's all folks... if this is to be published... i dunno why choo and shan cant? o.O

~yellow, jie er

Sunday, January 7, 2007

我们都长大了! (we have all grown up!)

Wei-hey-hey! Woot! My first entry in 2007!

Hmm.. ive so many sensations for the past few days... partly coz im gg to piao yang guo hai le... gg for some 'overseas' holiday (as long as not schooling = holiday?). Yea, gg for NS for guys meant that we are all ready to change from boy boy to man man... (i wonder if it's true, tho i would prefer to stay at age of between 15 to 18 heh heh). Yea, most importantly, i can 'reshape' myself physically!! Woot!! Hope tek-kou-no-more!

However, mainly, is due to the fact that we are all grown up, or rather growing still... entering the next phase of life. I was flipping my photo albumSsSs few days ago when i was unpacking my stuff after renovation, and realised we all had 'transformed' from nerdy innocent peeps to matured-funlovin teens!

Alrite, ru junjun shuo yuan, an entry of ytd's outing! As usual, i always feel close, easy and open with u pple, doing all the crazy things in public, igoring all the eyes colour (yan she) of other pple. Hah... this time, however, i feel warmer with u pple *blush*. As ive told susu, we are all too 'ripe' le, and it's more like a family outing than friends'! Maybe with the fact dat we have all grown up (as mentioned above) and the fact that we are all searching for the right 'chocolate' really give me a new kind of indescrible sensation! Of coz, that was a superb feeling! Yupz, time flies, and really hope we can freeze da time and do wadeva we want first b4 continue with our routines. Apart from that, yea, marching into the twenties spiced up this feeling... Ren Lao Xin Bu Lao! (So shan, u are not old lah, haha, u old = we all old also, juz that more matured!).

Hope to hang out with u pple more often even when im in the army! U guys are GREAT!
*ai ni men*

yellow, jie-er

*PS, really have the gan dong fweeling when recalling all the memories and flipping the photos... on the verge of tear-ing!! What a piscean i am ;p

Shan's 20th Birthday Celebration

Yo everyone, yeah, it's me again. As from the title above, we are celebrating our 大姐头(Big Sister Head)'s birthday celebration. Being the one to leave the most footprints on this surface of the earth, she will be reaching her 20th birthday in less than 2 weeks. However, due to someone going to the All-Guys-"Favourite" activity - National Service, we decided to bring forward the celebration.

1st, the KBox Kakees(gang) of C7 went for KLunch at the KBox in Paradiz Center.

Shan & Su

Wei-G & Jun

After the KBox session, Shan declared that she once again got a "chocolate". Well, nothing much of a surprise, as it was expected for the rest of us, only the time factor is yet to be determined.

Next, we proceeded to Raffles' Place - the area that most likely me, su and choo will be working at.

Raffles' Place

While waiting to join us, we took some photos in the nearby area. And there seems to be quite a number of couples taking their wedding photos too, haha. Perhaps in 8 years time or so, we will see another 6 pairs taking theirs at that area too!!!

So here are some of the pics:

就是那道光,就是那道光!(It's that light, it's that light!)

Time froze

And after some waiting, choo arrived. And we continue to take photos:

C7 is a happy family~

The following set of photos is suggested by wei-g:







So how's the photos? Not bad I guess, haha. We proceeded to 木船(Some cafe with people singing for us). After nearly 1 year, we came back here again to celebrate shan's birthday, haha. Then we gave her the birthday card and the box of chocolates(I'm sure i saw wei-g eyes shone when shan open the box in the MRT when we went back). Anyway, we headed for home at around 10+.

Ok so much for this now. Next outing should be after wei-g's 2 week's "holiday" away from Singapore mainland.

Signing out

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Shan Shan's Post !

Hey Cccccccc77777777 !

Happy 2007 ! Well well, let's xiang ying choo's hao zao of keeping this blog alive yeah ? like what we did in year 2004 ! Amazingly 65 blog enteries ! Then what happened in 2005 ? 4 ??? Then 2006 ? NONE ?!?! Well, but whatever it was, a brand new 2007 welcomes us with BIG WARM HUGGGGIEESSS pull up pants... haha okay lamb..

I was so *i can't find the vocab to describe my feelings, its beyond words* when i was reading choo choo's new year blog.. you gan dong dao wo.. =) Yup, after 3 yrs le... so many things have changed but our mo qi became better don't you all think so ? The magnetic field among us is getting stronger ! As we can see from the source dated back on 28th dec 2006, where ex-2bians gathered at Downtown East Chalet for a bbq gathering, 6 pple bu yue er tong keep ending up together. (woah level 5 ans, haha its social studies for those who forgot, yah kng i mean you, who skipped the exam totally !)

Alrights, have a great 2007 all ! Those who got your chocolates, enjoy your chocolatey moments ! Those who have yet to get your chocolates, nevermind, we can go shop for "Goldiva", "Royce", "Cadbury", "Roche", "Merci", "M&M", "Kit Kat", "Time-Out"... Those go army de.. run, march, pumping do faster ! Those go back to sch de.. jiayou for the next sem !!!

Ai ni men ! =)
Shan Shan

Monday, January 1, 2007

My First Post Of The Year!

Hi kids! Its me! JunJun! No rainbow pics here because I was accompanying my bed until 1plus in the afternoon. Think I'm gonna miss it again soon since I going to work in the morning tomorrow. Anyway, A HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! Are you guys happy that its a new year? Or feeling down cos you guys are one year older? I personally think that more work is coming for me! I can sense it! It's the guys' intuition. Anyway time seems to go faster as you grow older. A blink of an eye (of course it isn't true) and its 13 more months to my ORD.

Just some things I want to say to you people. Have you ever recall how foolish you were when you were little? Worrying about the wrong things in life, thinking if you are making the right decision, doing stupid actions and thinking too much which in turn causing troubles to yourself. Or have you thought of how playful or childish you were? Playing tricks on people around you, bluffing your friends, playing little games like "rock, scissors, paper" and catching.

Such is a typical childhood and youth. Have you lost it? It better not.
May your inner child stay in your heart forever. Gods Bless you all.

My New Year Resolution 2007

  • Make a choice for uni course (again)
  • Be more active
  • Be more creative
  • Be decisive
  • Be more fitter
  • Be more handsome
  • Be more humorous to everyone... not just close friends
  • Be less kind to people
  • Be more sociable
  • Change handphone towards the end of the year
  • Get a girl
  • Get a dream
  • Get new clothes
  • Get new shoes
  • Get new spectacles
  • Get the $150 from IPPT
  • Get the $200 from marksman again
  • Get Promoted
  • Stay happy
  • Stay alert
  • Stay unique
  • Master HTML
  • Master Java
  • Make sure the whole new year resolution 2007 comes true

P.S As choo was saying, keep the blog alive! For the posts, keep it coming! For the tagboard, keep tagging! Post and tag down all your emotions. Share your thoughts. Change the skins. Do something.


First Rainbow of the Year

Yo everyone. Seems like a small small rain in Choa Chu Kang left a big big rainbow across the sky. So here's a pic of part of a rainbow. If you look closer, you can see another smaller rainbow to the left, much less striking than the other.

First Rainbow of the Year

Finally, I decided to include 1 more pic of the sunset view from my house.

First Sunset of the Year

Signing off


Surprise! A new blog for C7.

We did mentioned about having a new blogspot account but nobody was enthu enough to transfer all the previous entries from diaryland to blogspot. And this 'morning' (midnight), I did just that. I spent the whole 'morning' transferring the entries, did little editing here and there and added a tagboard. Could not find a rainbow template that i really like, that's why i choose one from blogspot. Simple yet nice...Hope you all like the new blog.

Some thoughts that came across my mind while creating a new blog...

The last entries was on 10 February 2005. Almost one year and 10 months since anybody blogged. Time really flies...

Reading through the entries really brought back lots of bittersweet memories.
The times when we quarrelled...
The times when we vent our anger...
The times when we celebrate birthday together...
The times when we share our lives in JCs...
The times when everyone enjoyed the many outings we had...
and many many more.

We have grown, in one way or another. We learnt many lessons during our 3 years journey. We had changed somehow or other. But one thing is for sure. Our friendship are as strong as the carbon bonds or a diamond. A lasting friendship that shines like a diamond...

Somehow, I really hope that this new blog will encourage everyone of us to start blogging again.

I miss the days when we encouraged each other during our JC lives;
how we are stucked between JC and Poly, how we hated/loved our school life, how we had trouble choosing the right CCA etc...

I miss the days when we shared the joy and sorrow we had;
how much we enjoyed the outings, how we made every bdae celebration a surprise and success, how much we hated/loved each other etc...

I miss the days when you know that we are going through thick and thin together though we are not physically together.

It's a new year and let's have a new start! Let the C7 blog come to like again...or the very least...keep the tagboard alive! Yea? Yeah!
