Saturday, January 27, 2007


lol time flies indeed! and yea jun, i CAN reply, just the matter of when! hah

Anyway, my 2 weeks in the Tekong Resorts can say quite SLACK, FAST and FUN. lol however, the 2 adjustment weeks had past. The following life in bmtc dunno will be a nitemare as many have been describing. Yea~

Now, botak, haha, bunk mates said i look younger :) and diff as compared to before being shaved.

Foodwise not as bad as we thought and yes, confirmed, flatfoot also go thru bmt as normal pple... (lol know who im talking to). Overall, still surviving la... u all neh? nv update blog i also dunno what is gg on neh....

Sad enough, after booking in, gg to "confine" another saturdae due to field camp.... argh...

Yea, miss ya guys! hehe... sms me whenever possible given dat my batt is 'fighting fit'! hehe

jie, yellow

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