Monday, January 1, 2007


Surprise! A new blog for C7.

We did mentioned about having a new blogspot account but nobody was enthu enough to transfer all the previous entries from diaryland to blogspot. And this 'morning' (midnight), I did just that. I spent the whole 'morning' transferring the entries, did little editing here and there and added a tagboard. Could not find a rainbow template that i really like, that's why i choose one from blogspot. Simple yet nice...Hope you all like the new blog.

Some thoughts that came across my mind while creating a new blog...

The last entries was on 10 February 2005. Almost one year and 10 months since anybody blogged. Time really flies...

Reading through the entries really brought back lots of bittersweet memories.
The times when we quarrelled...
The times when we vent our anger...
The times when we celebrate birthday together...
The times when we share our lives in JCs...
The times when everyone enjoyed the many outings we had...
and many many more.

We have grown, in one way or another. We learnt many lessons during our 3 years journey. We had changed somehow or other. But one thing is for sure. Our friendship are as strong as the carbon bonds or a diamond. A lasting friendship that shines like a diamond...

Somehow, I really hope that this new blog will encourage everyone of us to start blogging again.

I miss the days when we encouraged each other during our JC lives;
how we are stucked between JC and Poly, how we hated/loved our school life, how we had trouble choosing the right CCA etc...

I miss the days when we shared the joy and sorrow we had;
how much we enjoyed the outings, how we made every bdae celebration a surprise and success, how much we hated/loved each other etc...

I miss the days when you know that we are going through thick and thin together though we are not physically together.

It's a new year and let's have a new start! Let the C7 blog come to like again...or the very least...keep the tagboard alive! Yea? Yeah!


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