Saturday, April 24, 2004

Gave up Hope

Think u all had read the email wj sent to u all ba. Well, i can onli say dat i am very dishearten by this inccident.

Sometimes, u all are only giving the feeling that u all miss each other juz for the sake of saying that. I always take the effort to sms everyone and ask if u all wanna to meet anot. But it is always so disappointing. I know u all are busy with jc life. But so am i. But i dun see why is it that u all cant take a few hours off to meet with c7. A few hours in a month (we had not met for a month).

Yes, i agree with u all dat we can get very bz with tests and cca and etc. But so do i. I must say that i am really tired out these few days cos i reach home only at abt eight to nine lydat for three consecutive days le. If u all wan to compare, the one who needs for time to complete hz, the one who needs more time to slp, shld be mi. If i am willing to take my saturday off to meet u all cos i really miss u all, i really dun understand why u all cant make the effort to...

I am really tired with all these. Imagine u are alwasy the one that is 'organising' the meeting but seems like there is always somebody who cant make it. How would u feel? Put urself into my shoe. It juz makes mi disappointed cos u all are alwaz saying that u all miss each other, but when i take response to it, it juz seems that u all are not willing to meet. Put urself in my shoe and u will feel dat.

I am telling everyone now, dat i am not going to call for any meeting anymore. If u all want to meet, find a time that u all can meet and let mi know. If i have no activity, i promise that i will go. If no one want to meet, then let it be. I will not be asking u all anymore.

Sometime i really feel that if we really have each other in heart, then take a few mins off to write in this diary so dat we can still feel each other. So that we can still know how is everyone doing. i always come online, juz in hope to read new entry. But my hope seldom come true. Tis had been brought up every now and then, and everyone knows about it. But no one seems to be doing it...if i go into it again...makes me feel like so long-winded and are forcing u all to write.

Well, i think i had covered mainly what i want to say already. How soon is everyone going to read tis entry, i really have no idea because i can only say:

"I had given up my hope. I don't see anymore hope unless someone can proof mi wrong."


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

miss u all!

jc life is so the BORING... missed sec sch life la.... and the pple in kranji!! esp u pple!!! today my phy practical like shit leh... so many errors.... see liao oso gek sim... den hor.... my pw grp hor.... got one "couple".... they keep "electrocuting" each other... wah ... buay tahan.... the guy ask the gal sumthin...den the gal smile until ( my hair stands) oh manz.... den the guy oso dun dare to look at the gal...haha... so the whole meeting is like...seeing two of them attracting each other.... den the guy gave stupid ideas just to grab the gal attention....die liao lor.... my pw.... hope wun see a cross next year....

den lydat lor.... miss u all alot...if only we are in the same sch in the same class...den life will be fun...

pple.... take care hor.... dun knoe when will see each other again... like veri busy..... MISS u all always!

~pinky pink~

Monday, April 19, 2004


Yah, dats right, it's abt the part time job wei-g recommanded~ it's so tiring T.T more than 12 hrs per day, haiz...

transport time abt 1hr for me T.T

Now really hope tmr will faster be over, n then i can hav the whole week resting, or mayb till sch starts :D

anyway, how are those in JC? seems like hav to wait till nex wkend to see sy n su, lol, even though i sms them somtimes. the rest leh, not need to sms one, always see u all on9, especially

Now i hope tmr will get $ straight, then i can get my ayumi dvd!!! HMV selling at $146.95, abt $27 more than other places. so if Yishun, the last place i saw selling at $120, is out of stock, then perhaps i hav to get it at HMV despite the price T.T Lets see, 1 hr is $6, so 12 hrs will be $72. 3 days will be $216. then after buying the dvd, will onli hav $69 left T.T but nvm, i work jus to but the dvd though, lol.

OMG, it's so late now. din noe writing diary can take so long, crap... gtg now, else in 6 hrs if i can't get up, i'm gonna be late =X k, dats all, nite~

Exhausted Green

PS: Jun, dun always play GBA :D

SY+Su, dun study too much,

like always see u 2 study one, lol

The rest, Gabatte~

Friday, April 16, 2004


Now then i know wj can be so exaggerating. I was not kana shocked by the white animal that ran past me cos i diden know that a animal is running past me. Then the face to face encounter is not by me, its by eugene only. i was quite a distance away frm it. And pls...i am not attracted to the peacock lor. It just so happen to be coming towards me mah. i wunt want to be attractive to animals manz...or esle later go sabah attracted to orang utan or leeches arh...choy!

Am really busy with school work. Got so many tutorials plus the pw. Then these few days everyday come home so late. In the end so tired and no mood to do any work. Then more tutorials...then more busy. Hah, this is a never ending cycle manz. And this is only the beginning.

Then today got to know that our class would be going to obs from 26th to 30th April. But the sad thing is wj and the other four of the classmates not going with us. Then we all so disappointed and everyone was saying that he never go = no fun le. Theh here comes the bhb wj. "See, i am so important to everyone" -.-"

Ok, really hope that everyone would update soon...


Monday, April 12, 2004

being updated!!

Okie...i shall tell u all my "blackout" experience/story... haha Well, i think you all know that CCK, bukit pangjang etc all kana hit by blackout yesterday...even the street lamps... in total darkness. Haha, here it goes: I was busy completing my maths tutorial while watching Pi Li Huo, then at ard 11.30 like that, power suddenly cut off. I tot cos my bro use too many extention liao, causing a short circuit. BUT i heard "Ah!!", "WTH!" from outside. then i peep...woah! CCK in total darkness!! Then SMSes started to fly from and into my bro's, sis's and my hp. and tht's how we get to know where and where kana hit! Haha, then Noor, SMS-ed me, saying that she was bathing when the elect cut off, thank goodness not water cut off! haha! Then started to use candles loh...and it's a windless nite... so warm and perspiring, so i gave up my tutorial... then i went to bed... then 12.30 like that when i was abt to sleep, then the electricity came back.. mood to do tutorial sleep... kaka Now, realising the importance of a fan dudez.

Haha, now, talk about todae bah! Todae, after school, the SABAH EXPEDITION (SE) team has a lecture on the primitive survey and about somethings about SABAH. that professor is corny though...hah! Then we are left to go home or choose to stay there, walk ard the zoo. Then, wanchoo, me and another fwen (Eugene) stroll ard the zoo.

Hmm, memorable one is that we walked into Reptile Park. Haha, me first time go in, abit scare... Then go in le, "chey"... BUT we saw and heard something RARE!! An iguana shit-ed from a tree!! can see the white liquid drip down after a sound!! rare encounter man!!

The other memorable one is in the Fragile Forest! haha, 3 of us kana chased by butterflies!! imagine! then animals inside roam ard one, so there's a white coloured animal run past us...and choo kana shocked! then followed by face to face (near encounter) with that same animal... wah lau... exciting man! *haha, u all nv get to see wc's frightened face!!"

Then when we leave = when the zoo is closing... we are all terribly hungry and tired... then while waiting for bus, wanchoo attracted a peacock! haha, she's so attractive with animals man!

BUT the best part is... while walking around in the zoo, it brings back lots of good memories of the childhood times... so happy and exciting todae!

Haha, hope to hear from you all soon! keep me updated!!


Sunday, April 11, 2004


Friday and ytd was really a bz day for me. Trying to finish up my maths tutorial like hell but still have not complete them. its driving me crazy. Me have to figure out wat the topic is abt and trying to solve the qns. Its really tough, esp the AP/GP chapter.

Today, one more day for me to try my best to complete them. On top of that, i still have chem and phy tutorials to do. This is maDDDDDD!!!

Me wondering how the rest are doing...shld be very bz oso ba. Hope to hear frm u all soon...


Monday, April 5, 2004


Anyway, thanz for the exp guitar. i like the color. Luckily never choose some ugly color. Hopefully u all like the Concentration 7 limited edition i do for u all. And hopefully junjun will take some time to read what i had written.

Then today, early in the morning went all the way to toa payoh for the taekwondo grading test. Waited for so long leh...almost fall aslp. then finally came my turn. Well, first time go for grading and so scary. Then stand there in front of the examiner (who look so horribly firece) evern more scary lor. Then in the end, never perform to my fullest. So dun tink have double promotion lor. Hopefully got pass la. Have to wait till next tue then know.

Well, juz read the chat logs that wj and xh had, and kw, sy and wk had with xh. Feel so pissed off by her now. Juz feel like telling her to get lost rite now. no mood to do anything mow liao.

Ok. dats all.

Stay Happy =)


Sunday, April 4, 2004

Choo Choo Train's BD

Kaka, today is quite a simple BUT memorable Birthday celebration! Of whose? of our Zhu Zhu Jie!! "Do Kao!" (hanan lang. of saying: Zhu Tou!" kaka

First of all, all of us ARE so undecisive!! lol, wanna settle a place to eat also take so long... *sigh* but we managed to settle it at Woodland's Noodles Bar. Heng ah! *we even go each level to see the prices (Want cheap also want good)* BUT noodles bar not cheap hor!!

Haha, then we talk so loudly, laugh so loudly inside the Restaurant, so uncivilised, haha. I even kana disappointed 7 times. The food there nice though *hungry again*

Haha, then choo took our her "secret weapon" It's our folio!! That we discussed about when our C7 was just founded! Im so touched by her effort BUT lack of photos -.- that 'teh susu's' fault! (haha kidding la) Very nice leh~

Haha, since kian just joined us, he need to carry out of very very first critiria: haha, need a "nice" posed photo shot! lol, monkey ideas all popped out... overall, that pic.. okie la, passable... there's always more chance to come one to take more :p

Then we wanna take group photos. Well, everytime, when about to leave, we will be at our "peak": Siao ah! haha, with our brilliant ideas and pro camera-man/woman, we managed to take nice group photos even without a camera stand leh!!

Lolx, so fun and memorable indeed! BUT very tiring too, lolx

* Y E L L O W * Y E L L O W * Y E L L O W *

3 March 2004, Sat, Starry, 2255 hrs

ChooChoo's BDay Celebration

Today we were celebrating our ChooChoo's Birthday. Well, although it's rather in the evening only, and only a short period of few hours, we enjoyed ourselves alot :D We, without Choo 1st, went to Shan's (Eeyerr->new nick)house to sign the gift that we got her after Weekian's bday ^^Y Mus be curious what we give rite? Yeah, it's a guitar~ Even though it's "expensive-$130+++", it's abit shorter than normal size, seems like we really got what we paid for =X Well, I do hope Choo likes out present :D

Then, we met Choo at CauseWay point's Noodle Bar (Shan, now u noe why I sms and ask u abt the name of the shop) n treated her a meal (Salmon Obento if not wrong)(same as WJ WOR! :P)(We got another pair of ppl wif opposite sex eating same stuff too =X). Then we hav quite a nice time chatting, though WK was as usually---quiet. Then Choo gave us the BDay Momento---C7's Profile Book. It was titled---Concentration 7 (Limited Edition)-The Journey Begins...

Inside the book, we have of course the

profiles of our members. Story of our outings were oso there :D Lastly, we have the C7's Theme Song!!! It's a song spotted by Shan n Su:一起開始的旅程 by S.H.E

Then we proceeded to the side of Woodlands Civic Centre to have WK's C7's "Offical" Photos :D (娘們兒的照片)

(Gay pic, wahahahahhaha, can't wait for choo to send the pics).

Then we continued to take our formal photos. Today alot of Deities n Faries landed upon W.C.C, hahaha. Today no camera stand, so hav to use my VCD box to use as stand T.T My Dear vcds, 1st time got treated so badly T.T Nvm, see, i so gd to C7, lol =X

Then at 9pm, we were dismissed. The girls were 'LongBang' by SY's dad's car home. The poor guys were left on their own T.T Nvm, I reach home earlier than SY, n happily writing diary here, wahahaha...

So conclusion for today is that I am Super, Duper...blah blah blah... Happy ^^Y

Your favourite Cameraman---Green

PS: Wahaha, i covered almost everything, see how u all write :P


nvm, i shall write about yesterday!! cos yesterday nite when i got home i was really "seh" liao... plus bro using com, so cant get to type an entry ^^ Hopefully i can remember bah ^^

Kk, in the morning, our school MTL department invited some song/lyrics composers (like Wu3 Qing4 Kang1) to our school to share with us some songs that they think is nice and introduce diff types of lyrics that can be written. Then next week, our teachers will give us a disc containing 3 songs, and want us to write our own song as our assignments according to one or more out of the 3 songs. 3 best ones will be sang by singers in middle MAY. hehe, it's very nice loh, and i have a rush to write a song about/for C7!! haha

Then, next comes the orientation... the games sux!! haha, not as fun as the first intake one ~.~ Lol i think choo jie has written about this ^^

Then, lastly, Jam and Hop time!! 1st dance = our mass dance, lol, pretty easy for choo and i cos we are well trained in FD in KSS. kaka, then we start our "disco" thingy liao. Wow, for the first time, i felt so energetic!! lolx, i can jump and shake alot compared to running on tracks!! kaka. At one part, i can feel tt my energy is draining off, sweat covering all over...abit thirsty BUT still keep on jumping especially techno music of Lemon Tree! wah real siao yesterday nite.. crazy!~

haha, choo get my previous symtoms! Cant get the music off and keep shaking...kakakakaka
Finale oso good, last round of our mass dance, everyone's at the peak, so dance with more enthusiasism! fun fun

Hmm, nice and enjoyable nite!

hehe >"<>"<

3 April 2004, Sat, Sunny>


Morning, actually abit boring. Play those games which are lame and stupid. The ogl never say when start the game de. then before we know anything, the ogl say we lose already. So stupid...

Then, we have the tresure hunt. also not fun de. walk around the sch frm one end to another, and like not doing anything lydat. this was very boring.

Then, learn the dance steps for the jam and hop at night. Well, its pretty easy to learn cos already got 4 years of experince frm kranji. Well dancing, suddenly rmb kranji's folkdance nite...miss it manz...

Then finally came the night...which everyone is looking forward to. We started off with the mass dance. then is all those music that makes us hop and hop for non-stop, scream and scream non-stop. Its really very fun. i had never in my life dance till so siao. serious, its very very fun.

At the end of the day, feel very tired. Plus i lost my voice frm all those screaming. Luckily now got my voice back le. Though very tired, but also very relax, cos all those scream and mad dancing had allow me to let off what's inside me. never fa1 xie4 for very long le.

Still haven got the music off my mind and the hopping sensation...

That's all folk! Have a nice day

For Jun: i know that u had mentioned not to tok abt jc to u already. But come to think of it, i cant do so cos jc is part of my life and is going to be part of my life for the next one and a half year. It would be hard for me not to tok abt anything at all. I am having all those entries toking abt how happy i am, not to suan u, not to laugh at u, but to share with everyone the joys.

i don't know how to make u accept and like ur sch cos i know its not easy and we had already tried to advice u. But i only wish that u can take ur time to adapt to the environment. u had choose the route urself, and whether the journey is smooth anot, it all depends on u. we can give u loads of words of advice, but it would be no use if u don't accept and be open to it.

Friday, April 2, 2004


Anyway, wanna thanz those who wished wj and mi luck for the sabah trip. as u all know (frm wj) that both of us selected le.

Then tml orientation...wj oso say le. Haiz, then i dun haf to say.

And ya, got to see new classmates today (wj oso say le, haiz). Hmm...think i will be getting stomach cramps everyday le. wj and his friends are sooo lame and funni. Can make me laugh and laugh non-stop. My stomach muscles so tired now.

And i would say i am getting happier and happier in sch each day. Never felt so happy in Kranji. Hopefully the others would feel the same thing as i am, as sy am, and as wj am. If you all aren't, maybe u can try to change the way u look at things, and things will look different. Or to be lame, feel the happy spirit in us and u will feel happy too. Haha...

Think i got nthing much to say le...cos everything snatch away by wj le...

Bye then...Cya...

~ Overjoyed Orange~

*Jubilant + Sad*

Say the sad one first: Todae, when i was looking for the SABAH trip result (walk walk around in the school with my other YJ fwens, 3 hrs break leh~!) Then, know what? A terrible thing happened to me... while walking down the stairs, i missed my footing and fall badly... NOW, the bandages on my knees and arms are damn thick... *sigh* sad rite? Heng, with my friends' help, i managed to get "aid" faster...

Okie, now with the jubilant thing(s): First of all, thank you all of you who has been wishing wanchoo and i good luck for the SABAH trip selection! We managed to get selected!! YEA~!!! Wah Lau, they said morning will release... then my friend and i keep "walk walk" during the break to look out for the result but no sign of it till when we went back for PC/CT lesson, end of it then the teacher came look for us -.-" and that's in the afternoon... but nvm, the thing is, we got in!! Yea~!

Then, today during PC/CT period, i managed to see my new classmates and tomorrow will be having orientation with them ^^ haha, there's a Kang Wei inside... haha. btw, 5 girls and 16 guys -.-" then got 1 girl whom i knew during the first 3 months, who went to JJ, wanna appeal back...hope it is succssful though!

Oh ya, today went home late also.. why neh? cos of that stupid medical check up for OBS and SABAH trip... and to save 5 bucks, i waited quite long for the long queue at a nearby clinic (with friends (wanchoo oso)). haha, then while waiting, we joke alot...haha as usual :p fun man~ haha

hmmm... im glad that SY's loving PJ more and more ^^ so do I, love YJ more and more!!

Hehe, enjoy ourselves guys! Miss me too!


(1 April 2004, 7.36pm, starry)

P.S: regarding that falling down incident, please dun laugh at me cos' im a good liar (as good as wanchoo)... Happy April's Fool!

Thursday, April 1, 2004

haapy day !

woah today my whole body aching, cos yesterday got pe ran 7 rounds of track ar ! yao ren ming ! but nevertheless, i still feel quite happy in school..hmm acherli i'm beginning to like pj more and more, maybe it's becos of my class lah, they are crazy and funny people...hehe i'm the Vice-Class Manager wor ! *clap clap* THANK YOU THANK YOU ! hehe *bu yao lian*...

today oso have cca open house, i signed up for table tennis and badminton trial...but tink badminton won't make it de lah..haha maybe goin for odac trial come go jc suddenly so sporty ar ?

Hehe, oso wan CONGRATS choo choo for appealing successfully in getting into Wei-g's class..u are promised of a whole load of laughters ! Enjoy urself !

Lastly, wan to wish wei-g and choo choo GOOD LUCK for tmr's sabah's trip results ! Hope u guys will get the place ok ! and enjoy urself at sabah !

Enjoy pple !

Aching Purple

Splendid day @@

Hmmm, todae there's a couple of things happened!!

1st of all, hehe, I get to signed a flute!! Woah! Real hard leh~ to blow the flute to the sharp note(s)...i think i will end up having a chicken "mouth" liao. Then todae's CO's "orientation" is quite fun loh, and get to some CO fwens (both J1s and seniorS) haha through lame games though.

Then, another thing!! regarding wanchoo's appeal to come to my class!! Haha, early in the morning, wanchoo and my JY fwens (including me) go to the office to look for the Principal. then all 3 guys stayed outside, then the 3 gals (including wc) went in. Then, when they come out, they grumbled that the Vice Principal "take over the matter" as they are queueing to meet the Principal. Then we said, "Aiya, VP? No chance liao... (cos P is better than VP) Then the VP ask her to look for him at around noon. Then at noon, they went to see him and claimed that it is not successful... then i "congratulate" her as well as feeling abit disappointed. Then later when going for CO, wanchoo cant tahan liao and tell me the truth: She get to transfer to my class!! AND! Im cheated!! sad ah!!

Hehe, nevertheless, wanchoo is at the same class as me liao! wee~!

AND, both wanchoo and i are very excited about tomorrow cos tomorrow morning, we get to know the results of the selection for the SABAH trip ^^

haha, wish us luck then :p



Today got a happy thing. The appeal for transfer of class was successful. Yeah! Actually wanted to look for the principal one. then, the principal busy. then the vice-principal came out of his room, ask why am i there, then took away the letter that is addressed to the principal. From wat wj said, tis vp very the bad one. then i tot lydat means no hope le. who knows that he actually tell mi to go look for him around noon time. Then, everything is settled!

happy thing happen le of course got funni thing one. esp when wj is around. we(mi and two of yj friends) came out frm the office. then decide to lie to the guys that the appeal was not successful. then tot dat our look would decieve the guys. but never tot that they actually believe us. then later i tell wj, wj look so stunned and cant believe wat he heard. then he like so angry, cos kanna tricked again. and he said something...

"Ever since i got to know C7, i was alwaz kanna tricked by u ppl. Last time only got i tricked ppl, dun have ppl trick mi one" tricked so easily.

Then today got CO. Hmm, they keep asking wat instrument i want. Then oso dunno wat cos so unfamiliar to all the instruments. then later think think think le, choose flute in the end. cos its the smallest of all and oso can bring home. if not, i think i choose er hu liao lor.

k la, think nthing much for today le. Dats all for today. Cya...

~Happy Orange~