Thursday, April 1, 2004


Today got a happy thing. The appeal for transfer of class was successful. Yeah! Actually wanted to look for the principal one. then, the principal busy. then the vice-principal came out of his room, ask why am i there, then took away the letter that is addressed to the principal. From wat wj said, tis vp very the bad one. then i tot lydat means no hope le. who knows that he actually tell mi to go look for him around noon time. Then, everything is settled!

happy thing happen le of course got funni thing one. esp when wj is around. we(mi and two of yj friends) came out frm the office. then decide to lie to the guys that the appeal was not successful. then tot dat our look would decieve the guys. but never tot that they actually believe us. then later i tell wj, wj look so stunned and cant believe wat he heard. then he like so angry, cos kanna tricked again. and he said something...

"Ever since i got to know C7, i was alwaz kanna tricked by u ppl. Last time only got i tricked ppl, dun have ppl trick mi one" tricked so easily.

Then today got CO. Hmm, they keep asking wat instrument i want. Then oso dunno wat cos so unfamiliar to all the instruments. then later think think think le, choose flute in the end. cos its the smallest of all and oso can bring home. if not, i think i choose er hu liao lor.

k la, think nthing much for today le. Dats all for today. Cya...

~Happy Orange~

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