Sunday, April 4, 2004


nvm, i shall write about yesterday!! cos yesterday nite when i got home i was really "seh" liao... plus bro using com, so cant get to type an entry ^^ Hopefully i can remember bah ^^

Kk, in the morning, our school MTL department invited some song/lyrics composers (like Wu3 Qing4 Kang1) to our school to share with us some songs that they think is nice and introduce diff types of lyrics that can be written. Then next week, our teachers will give us a disc containing 3 songs, and want us to write our own song as our assignments according to one or more out of the 3 songs. 3 best ones will be sang by singers in middle MAY. hehe, it's very nice loh, and i have a rush to write a song about/for C7!! haha

Then, next comes the orientation... the games sux!! haha, not as fun as the first intake one ~.~ Lol i think choo jie has written about this ^^

Then, lastly, Jam and Hop time!! 1st dance = our mass dance, lol, pretty easy for choo and i cos we are well trained in FD in KSS. kaka, then we start our "disco" thingy liao. Wow, for the first time, i felt so energetic!! lolx, i can jump and shake alot compared to running on tracks!! kaka. At one part, i can feel tt my energy is draining off, sweat covering all over...abit thirsty BUT still keep on jumping especially techno music of Lemon Tree! wah real siao yesterday nite.. crazy!~

haha, choo get my previous symtoms! Cant get the music off and keep shaking...kakakakaka
Finale oso good, last round of our mass dance, everyone's at the peak, so dance with more enthusiasism! fun fun

Hmm, nice and enjoyable nite!

hehe >"<>"<

3 April 2004, Sat, Sunny>

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