Monday, April 5, 2004


Anyway, thanz for the exp guitar. i like the color. Luckily never choose some ugly color. Hopefully u all like the Concentration 7 limited edition i do for u all. And hopefully junjun will take some time to read what i had written.

Then today, early in the morning went all the way to toa payoh for the taekwondo grading test. Waited for so long leh...almost fall aslp. then finally came my turn. Well, first time go for grading and so scary. Then stand there in front of the examiner (who look so horribly firece) evern more scary lor. Then in the end, never perform to my fullest. So dun tink have double promotion lor. Hopefully got pass la. Have to wait till next tue then know.

Well, juz read the chat logs that wj and xh had, and kw, sy and wk had with xh. Feel so pissed off by her now. Juz feel like telling her to get lost rite now. no mood to do anything mow liao.

Ok. dats all.

Stay Happy =)


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