Sunday, April 4, 2004

Choo Choo Train's BD

Kaka, today is quite a simple BUT memorable Birthday celebration! Of whose? of our Zhu Zhu Jie!! "Do Kao!" (hanan lang. of saying: Zhu Tou!" kaka

First of all, all of us ARE so undecisive!! lol, wanna settle a place to eat also take so long... *sigh* but we managed to settle it at Woodland's Noodles Bar. Heng ah! *we even go each level to see the prices (Want cheap also want good)* BUT noodles bar not cheap hor!!

Haha, then we talk so loudly, laugh so loudly inside the Restaurant, so uncivilised, haha. I even kana disappointed 7 times. The food there nice though *hungry again*

Haha, then choo took our her "secret weapon" It's our folio!! That we discussed about when our C7 was just founded! Im so touched by her effort BUT lack of photos -.- that 'teh susu's' fault! (haha kidding la) Very nice leh~

Haha, since kian just joined us, he need to carry out of very very first critiria: haha, need a "nice" posed photo shot! lol, monkey ideas all popped out... overall, that pic.. okie la, passable... there's always more chance to come one to take more :p

Then we wanna take group photos. Well, everytime, when about to leave, we will be at our "peak": Siao ah! haha, with our brilliant ideas and pro camera-man/woman, we managed to take nice group photos even without a camera stand leh!!

Lolx, so fun and memorable indeed! BUT very tiring too, lolx

* Y E L L O W * Y E L L O W * Y E L L O W *

3 March 2004, Sat, Starry, 2255 hrs

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