Wednesday, March 31, 2004


Oh ya, i got a guitar from my brother. Got cheated by him at first. Thought that he is buying my a real guitar. Then in the end, came home with a model guitar. Nevertheless, it was pretty nice. The oso got to know from him that the real guitar is with C7. Haha...

And today, in sch, finally got to know my permanent CT class. Haiz, its bad news. Never get into same class as wj. then in the end, came up with the idea of appealing to the pricipal to change my class. quite funni oso, people appeal to change sch, i appeal to change class. But what to do, i wanna get into wj's class mah. So go look for her lor. Then the principal like believe wat i say lydat, then tell mi write a letter to her. Say lydat then can know my name and etc...Then write lor. Dats why so late le still haven slp.

Giving her the letter tml. Hopefully can change class lor. Though the pricipal say no promise, but really hope that she can help mi lor.

K la, really getting late le. My eyes cant open le. Going to slp now...Cya

~sleepy orange~

Excited, Tired, Frustrated (abit) [WJ]

hehe, today real tired... i thought that i could pon school, skip PE, then go home rest earlier. BUT early in the morning, the SABAH trip teacher came to me and tell me that there's an interview TODAE at 5pm! Oh god, i cant pon + cos i plan to pon, so nv bring PE attire... -.-

Then the time slowly reached 5pm, time for the interview. B4 that interview, im abit nervous and excited. There are 3 teachers interviewing people. But when the interview started, im more relaxed cos Mr Goh (that trainee teacher that taught us b4 for Physics *3d), who is one of the 3 teacehrs, gave me a good start, "U look familiar". This made me start off relaxing-ly and throughout the interview. there are some odd and weird questions though BUT i think i manage them well bah, for all questions =p Hopefully can get in ^^ This Thurs morning will know the result liao...kaka is excited (cos tml can touch my flute liao!!), tired (long dae, man) and abit frustrated (abit cos after reading jun's entry and expressed myself to that liao, so abit). hehe, think todae im turning in early AGAIN! /."

*Shinning Yellow, 30 March 2004, Tue, Starry

Jun's, FOR U *insulted*

*find REALLY insulted. MIND UR WORDS OSO!

Oh, i just merely tell u to think positively, IF u THINK this irritates u or hinder your way of life, THEN FINE with me. "Adapt to the new environment to survive"


Btw, when people telling you their opinion, please KINDLY accept or just nod. THIS is basic courtesy. By rejecting with all means will only let people stop giving u advices. NO JOKE or u REALLY dont understand me though. ALSO, u think i first few days joke with people liao ah? U think im born socially like YL/Yew Dong (spelling error) they all? U go ask my JC fwens la! See IF im quiet or noisy in the first few days! AND i think i've mentioned: "People who dont know me might think im anti-social, people who know me well, havoc liao" Seems u really DONT KNOW ME then!! *hump!*


friday and saturday i gotta go for extra lessons.... this is so the haiz....sat leh.... can slp until veri late go back to jj.... omg....

oh ya.... our physics teacher right..... oso like to say all right and oks... like ms phua sia... all the phy teachers muz be lydat...hehe... and all the maths teacher oso veri "antique".... my maths HOD...his hair hor...dun knoe how he comb one leh.... veri "stylish" haha.... muz have use up the whole bottle of the gel.... can shine summore.... haha.... see liao buay tahan.... keep on laughing one....

so how's the day for all of u? (mi kinda boring now...cos all intro-lecture...) hope u all have a good day... ( erm....sounds like mr. qwek)

kk....take carez and tata~!

~pinky pink~

Tuesday, March 30, 2004


Thought today will get to know my permanent CT class. But too bad, no news at all. Also have no idea when it is coming out. So sad.

Oh ya, my brother say wanna get me a guitar for my brithday last nite. Then tis afternoon, my msg me and ask wat color i want. Then later, he say he bought the guitar liao. Yippy! Meaning to say, i will get a guitar tonight when my brother come home. Yeah!

Well, me nthing to say le. Stop here then. Have to go read the notes for physics and maths to catch up with wat i had missed during the first three mths.

~Bright Orange~

Sunday, March 28, 2004


And the orientation 2 and the class organisation really sucks! There's no ice breaker or even a simple introduction. And who says I am closing myself up to other people? As usual you people are assuming things again. I did made a few friends in class.

After reading the things weijie wrote, I feel like bashing him up because he sat with me in class for 2 years but still do not understand me. Watch your words! Don't ask me what I want, how
and what I am going to do to attain my goal. I already know all those things.

I do not dislike pjc or whatever but I just don't like the class. Everyone is like strangers to each other and there are groups all over the class. i.e. the malay, gals 1,gals 2, boys 1,boys My class in the first 3 months was better because everyone (mostly lah) was like guai guai type which I feel okay with. But in this class I just don't feel right. Maybe it's because I don't their names yet. And I repeat! I do know a few people in class and I and not closing myself. I am just not that open and talkative enough.

And I feel that gals (mostly)are naturally easier to make friends (with other gals) because they talk more. And as for boys, people like weijie who can joke about anything (humurous)or very out-going, will of course have no trouble making friends. But that's my problem! I just some time. And I just can't joke out of nothing. I need some kind of a starter to start a topic most of the time as you all should know (if you don't know slap yourself!) That is also why I just sit somewhere and think of nothing when I have nothing to do (maybe hum some music to myself?).

Therefore, wrap up the story, Ijust need time. I believe that time can settle everytime. Time can heal wounds, make you forget unhappy things or even make 2 countries that are waging war to get to peace. And can you all please stop writing about jcs from now. I don't want to talk about it with you all le. Thanks.


long time no see

hmm met jun jun a few times in seeing ur espressionless face..hmm can sense u not happy..hey happy oso muz stay in pj for 2yrs, not happy oso muz stay in pj for 2yrs, why not choose the happier way out ? ehh..wad is it tat u really really dislike about pj ? accept pj wif an open mind lah...after u accept it wif an open mind u will come to realise pj may not be as bad as u thought it was...negative thoughts really lead to negative results..hmm see, i'm in the same college as u and i heard bout the complains u, choo and susu made during first 3 mths but in the end i chose to accept pj wif an open mind and enjoy it, cos i believe that no land is a perfect land...To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven. I chose to make pj a heaven in my mind, if i can accept it and in fact enjoy it, so can u ! u may say different pple have different perspectives, true, but did u make an effort to have closer relationships wif ur classmates ? if u feel they sux....they sux....if u try to make frends wif them, u'll never noe ! maybe u will meet sumone nice ! Juz dun sit there and wait....jun, i really hope u will try to enjoy urself in pj during the next 1 and a half years okay ? be it u like it anot, u are there and there is no way out....u pave ur own way no one paves it for you...

hmm i'm glad choo and wei-g are enjoying urselves ! haha wei-g...wear blouse ar ? haha i thot onli pj let girls wear pants, nv noe yj let guys wear blouse too ! hehe susu will have no prob at jj ba...hehe except to see a construction worker walking around the sch...scarly his idol is ah-du
tat's why...

woah late already ar...1145 le...wanna go sleep le ! tmr seeing u guys !!! yeah ! yeah ! yeah ! hehe cya !!!

Love u guys and miss u guys,

Purplish Purple


i read the past few entries alradi... woah....just a few many pple write... den template oso change liao.... li hai sia.... three cheers and three cheers and three cheers for c7--> hip hip hooray... ! hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray!keep up the gd work!

sorry leh jun.... when u struggling...stressed out...sick of pjc.... i wasn't here for u... while others were all here giving u support.... i dun knoe ur situation as i away... sorry ar... ( i spiritually supporting u can liao rite?? heez..)

hmm... like wat the others say lor... choose wat u like... k la...tell u my

k la... at first...honestly... i tod i can 100% get into nyjc... i nv ever tod i will go jjc.... so u can imagine la... top of the world to the bottom of the cliff... i dun really wan to go jjc la... but hor... i got no choice rite...? even if i appeal oso no use... ya....jjc is fun la... but whether it's fun or's how u see it lor.... from wat my teacher in charge say hor...

"different schools have different culture... so dun compared jjc wif other jcs... if u wanna come jjc... u have to accept wat the school wans...if u dun like jjc... u can feel free to go..."

that's wat he say... and i tink that's pretty true isn't it? i dun like pjc culture that's y i left.... since u decided to stay on.... dun compare wif other jcs alradi... ur class may sux and all that.... but maybe as time goes by.... they are not that person u tod they were leh? maybe they not ah beng all that leh? tink positively lor...

the camp thingy... hmm... chop chop...say abit here lor.... we played:

1)water bombs

2) JJ nite ( like kranji international fd nite)-->our grp got "william hung"!

3)crime nite( og come together and go to stations to take up challenge to get clues...and find out the murderer)

4)telematch ( play wif flour/water --> dough, tie legs den move to collect items all that)

5) wild wild wet ( soak in mud and in "swimming pool"...!!)

and my family (pjc so called clan) won the best family! yahoo! hehe...kinda high..! haha...

orientation camp fun!!! but definitely there are oso a few bitches and a snobbish guy from ACS...but juz heck care them... and i enjoy it!... so ok jun jun? dun care those u dun like.... why waste time on them... spend more time on us la.... hehe...jk...

oh btw... shanyi... jjc is offering phy-bio for sci stream... so dun say unfair liao la....though only start this year la this combi...

hey hey...i saw steven koh....and he is....... bald! dressed like...... construction site supervisor.... can imagine...? and veri the "antique" oso...heard that he dun like performance such as guys dressed up like gals and all that....

k's all liao le.... veri long entry.... tata~!

~pinky pink~

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Hunky Tan's 5th Entry

junjun: I'm not FORCING you to join CO loh. IF u do read carefully, i did mention that join something that you like loh. And clarify something abt CO's "scores", like i have said, it's just numbers (1 2 3 4 5 6 7), no notes, but numbers. However u r not joining, up to you, but just to clarify with you la.

And for what i have read from wanchoo's CT's quotation, it's VERY VERY true loh. Hmm, friends and buddies are really important in the school or even in the society when u step out to work etc.

Hmm, some people might be slackers but i agree with wanchoo, never be a slacker yourself (applies to all of us). Though my classmates... err... play Dai Di during every break BUT they are all hardworking bees, plan their time and manage them well loh.

BUT for one thing. THINK positively (i've learn this when i know u guys as well as when i stepped into YJ). If we keep thinking negatively, everything will be worked out negatively by us, some sort of backfire.

Well, i admit that it's easy for us to say but difficult for us to perform or carry out. So, it's very important to know what exactly u want and HOW and WHAT are u going to do to attain that thing. and of coz, how long (determination) u are going to put in the 'effort'.

Hope u guys understand...applies to all, including myself. "Lov the sch, class, teachers, sub" to get better results. DONT end up hating everything as it will backfire you. *Proven and i experienced!

Hope everyone's fine and gets better (adaptation etc) and of coz happy ^^ hehe

All the best to all again ^^

~Shinning Yellow~ 26 Mar 2004, fri, starry

one week in yj le

Seems like junjun quite worry abt the cca. Actually i feel that it would be better for u to join odac as compared to all the others u had said. Dunno why oso. Maybe partially because i oso love sports ba. the science society and mindsports like zuo bo lydat, more no use than odac.

As to ur class, they might be slackers to u. But u must never be one urself. This is not the first three mths liao, cant alwaz play anymore le. So u will have to be very strong urself and not let them influence u. Always rmb that C7 is here to support u all the way. Through days which u are struggling, days which u feel down, days u need help in anyway. (Oso must share ur days of happiness and joy with us too hor =p) Maybe when things are more settle, we can form a study grp. Then we can study together. Actually i am hoping that we can do in C7 study together. (But obviously kng cannot at the time being la)

Feel like telling junjun to get use to things there. But i think i seems to be mission impossible cos he seems to dislike it so much. Nevertheless, i wanna quote something which my CT said.

"some may be new to here. Try to make as many friends as possible. The most important thing is to at least find a good buddy, be it in ur class or in school. u need to have at least a buddy to support each others through out jc life because the two year course is not going to be easy. And always rmb that no man is an island."

Hopefully this is a good piece of advice not only to junjun but oso to the rest of my dear c7.

Actually, i come online to tell eveyone about how i feel aft being in yj for the whole of this one week. on second thoughts, it would be like i suan-ing junjun lydat. But i am not trying to provoke junjun or wat.

So...i am going to say one sentence.

Yj is fun because the people(friends and teachers) are great.

Dats all for today.

Be happy (esp to junjun)

Hopefully the rest of u are doing well in ur own jc


Friday, March 26, 2004

1st day in CT class

And I don't like my class now. Because got four malay guys and some malay gals. Actually I am not racist but I think i will be one later. Because of malays in class my timetable is going to sux like hell. And yes, I mean it. So try to get used to those bad words if life still suk for me in pj. Malays in class = friday will have don't know how many hours break before lessons again and other days may be longer too. Now temporary timetable friday 1230 to 1500 is free period. I can learn how to meditate le.

Back to CCA, I may join back odac again or science society or even mindsports (separated into chinese, international, and don't know what sections). I am not good at anything so I don't know how to get CCA points from don't know what competition. Now my target for CCA is to get at least 6 point so that I can at least get an E which is equivalent to 1% for my 'A' level overall grade.

Back to my class again (my brain not functioning well these few days but I confirm not writing about CCA again later). I don't know anyone from my class but I think got some pai2 kia4s (hope not). And my class the gals all form groups again. Because no guys talk to them? Don't know but they sure don't look nice. 9 gals out of 29 people in class and a few of the gals are malay somemore. The only good thing is that I sure will not get distracted in class from the gals. Shan4 zai1 shan4 zai1 I can become monk le X_X. No lah. And lucky my CT teacher is that lame maths teacher. So I will not get sian the whole day. And I have made some new friends from my class during CIP today but I think they are slackers.

I think that's all for today. And shanyi, I am really sorry for being late these few days (really). Because I am really tired from playing basketball with Tsung Hsien they all these few days. But I think I won't be playing for quite a while because I am going to be very busy. That's why I wake up late and make you wait for me. But since you know you can take 307 (right?) from your house to pj then why you want to wait for me at cck mrt control station? Or you don't know until today? Never mind. Because meet le I also nothing to say so no difference. (except complains to my class maybe but I hope not)

And to kngwee, don't play too much! Do some things that can benefit you. Spend your time wisely. (to all also)

Pale Red

Thursday, March 25, 2004

I'm Loving it

Seems like everybody have xi3 nu4 ai1 le4 abt thier jc. But before i go on to say anything, i want to clarify something or esle later the weiG will say me again. yj have orientation. Its after we get our permanent class then got orientation. Some more can go OBS. So dun laugh at me because of no orientation for the first few days ok. My orientation much better than everyone's esles. Haha... =P

Actually hor, wj tell everyone to join CO oso not a very bad idea. If everyone join CO, then we can get together and play music together. Then we got one extra idea for our gathering. So kng shld go and join CO in poly. lame again.

oh ya, me wishes junjun luck here. Erm...hopefully not too late for u. Got confident in urself then sure can get what u want.

Juz to update everyone abt how i am doing in yj. Hmm...I LOVE YJ manz, esp the teachers. they are much better teachers than those in pj. Serious. No joke here. But i wunt say all la, cos i haven't met all yet mah. I can only say those who had taught me something so far. And as to the class of tamils, they dun really matters to me. Cos i go anywhere oso like wunt see them lydat one. Whole like only meet once which is in the early morning.

Now, really wish that the permanent class can come out fast fast. then i can fast fast know which class i would be in. Really hope that can be same class as wj, then can know his those very funni and very lame de friends...then i sure happy happy everyday in yj. Haha...juz hopefully my wish come true...hopefully... will stop liao. Cos nothing to say must stop. Haha, lame again rite. But cant blame me. High mood now, that's why very lame.



Yan Dao's 4th Entry (response)

JunSheng: Hmm, wadeva it is, since u have chosen PJ, get the right attitude towards PJ or u might end up hating it which is not good loh. CCA wise, i think CO can loh...IF PJ's CO's small right, the newbies can or rather will oso perform one...cos small = no effect de.... and hor, CO abit cheating de... for newbies, they start off with numbers, now, me no music notes (real score sheets)...all i see is numbers... so it's easier for us to follow (tt's my YJ's case). Or some clubs...dont see chess or IT clunb nth to do...will have competitions (national and international) one hor... if u are good at it, u win in those competitions, u get points oso.. CCA thing maybe u might consult ur CT or use ^^ (below part at SY's there got oso some comments abt CCA for ya)

Wanchoo: Where got no orientation... declare here or they really "dodo". Orientation will be held AFTER new class formed =D and i think ur class-life will be more exciting after forming permanent class... esp if come to mine... u will be laughing to death everydae..

Weijie: comments..

KngWee: No comments yet...haha, so envy u, still shaking legs at home :p read our entries then maybe give comments bah =p

XiaoHui: Dont think she comes

Shanyi: eager to ask u join CO oso =p so can perform and play together...but all's up to u... there's no CCA can get points without hardwork and time loh. =D and it would be better IF u get to choose a CCA that you like... cos no point choosing a CCA tt can get lots of points but u dislike it right? (for junjun to see oso)

Susu: join CO oso!! haha... also loh, to ur liking =D and hor, u will get used to the long journey one dae like me oso one.

ALL: Miss and Luv u all~ kaka (no goosebumps are allow to pop out =p) And no matter what happens, can tok to us loh, sahre it, u will feel better one. And no matter how high the "hurdle(s)" that u are facing, face it and try to get over it... since WE already chose the path we are going to. My hotline (hp/hse) is always on for you =D im ur welfare officer afterall right?

KK, miss and luv me too!

Sparkling Yellow, 24 March 2004, wed, 6:01pm

Shuai Ge's 3rd Entry!!


Hiya all~!!! kaka, woah! so long cant online...once bei song ah!! I din online as frequently as before is that my brother need the com to do his final year project. His work is more important, so, i let him use.

Hmmm... I hope everyone is happy and satisfied with her/his posting ^^ Well, im satisfied though... kaka!! Hehe, hope that susu will get used to the long lng long journey as soon as possible =p and hope the others will adapt well to ur posted place... oni KW...haha all the best too though =p

Dunno why i feel attached to YJ alot loh. the moment i heard someone says YJ "sux" or wad, anger will boil in me...lolx So far so good la, with temp timetable, there's lots of "holes" (free periods) and spending these time playing DAI DI with classmates...hehe.

Friends wise, well, almost the same, about half remained. (some even appealed back into YJ leh~) same loh, with me around and some other "farnee" YJ friends... everyday will laugh no matter wad, without fail (hehe, wanchoo has seen some of my friends, she shld know..kaka)

CCA wise, same loh...joining CO back but this time i might pick up flute (needa realise my dream...try every type of flutes ^^) hopefully my Er Hu seniorS will let me go..kaka. Then wanchoo's joining ^^ hehe. hope susu and shanyi or even jun2 will join oso la, then next time can play together ^^ YJ friends (that grp of fwens (farnee and lame ones)) ALL joining IT club and they signed for me.. i see how first, maybe i will and can juggle these 2 CCAs at a time ^^

Hehe, todae so many things farnee happens.. but i mention one (minimise my word limit or u all having "Fighting Chicken" eyes liao). Here it goes... todae i went to buy my YJ uniform then i bring it back to my class and try the top. i put it on, the shoulder length just nice but the body lenth abit short. So im find it...weird? farnee? sad? tt how come so short.. then i realise...there's slits at the both sides... im wearing gal's blouse -.- so... paiseh...all my fwens laugh like wad...
haha but

Neverhteless, the pple selling the uniform charge me lesser and they nv realise!! lesser by 18 bucks leh!! i still ask them (2 of them), "Are u sure?" and they confirmed with me. then i realise or rather found out tt the charge me lesser cos... they charge my pants with the price of a skirt!! difference of 6 bucks X3 (3 sets) = 18 bucks!! muahaha happy...

Hmm, i think i will stop here. And i wonder when would be my next time coming online. hopefully soon (or else wanchoo wanna Xin Zhai Le Huo again) hehe.

All the best to all of you!

Love ya guys!

Miss ya guys!!

Miss and love me too!!

Cya all on saturdae (kian's BD!!)

~From: Chao Ji Wu Di Mei Shao Nan: Wei Jie Tan

5:36pm (24 March 2004, wed, Sunny)

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Hope my wishes come true

So sad arh pjc only got 1 dance and now the jc1s ogls are teaching it and they like don't know how to teach like that. And some even dance wrongly. And I can see that one of them give a irritated face when the ogls on stage have to repeat some steps again.

So sad ah. I feel like going poly. But I think I will try for a year and see if I am jc or poly material or none of both...

And regarding CCA, I also don't know what to join. I not good at sports then table tennis also I not good. Then, band and CO I also cannot because need to learn how to read score then they say accept former members only (in sec sch) then if I join can learn but sure cannot go for performance then no CCA points. And KngWEE!!! 5 percent cannot say never mind and spend time on the other 95 percent. We are going to spend time on CCA on matter what so why not use that to get the 5% instead of wasting time on it.

Haha I finally tired le after chatting and writing in diaryland. Thanks XiaoHui for listening to me and thanks my JJ friend if she can hear haha. But I really want some1 to punch let off some steam because I am really angry with the stupid og also.

Frankly speaking, I am also jealous of you all having a good time (or at least not a bad time) in your colleges. I am so jealous looking at other ogs cheering so loudly and the people so enthusiastic and the ogls so active in interacting with their ogs. I did't know I will get too jealous of anything until today. Haiya... Now I know what susu feels like in her og last time in pj. No wonder she hates it. And I think I am worse than her now.

Hehe I really tired le. Now I can go sleep and forget all the troubles. Think I siao le mah? Tired also happy. At least I don't feel anything when I am tired (except tiredness and lameness) haha. I will be normal again when the orientation is over I think.

And shanyi ah, I really sorry lor because I really tired yesterday because I play basketball with Tsung Hsien they all for 3 hours so really tired lor. (I played lesser today hehe) Then if u really don't want to wait then never mind lor. I last time go kss also go alone everyday and after wanchoo they all withdraw or ponteng I also go alone. Another thing is that my face will be expressionless in pjc most of the time. (except when I smile when I see people just to be polite) So, if I pretend not to see you then I am sorry because I really no mood sometimes.

Haha I am yawning now. Can go sleep le. By the way I thought of another name - Yi2 Xuan1. (saw the name in Wo Chai)

Now I just hope that I can get the subjects I want (maths, phy, chem) and get into a good class with good classmates and teachers. Wish me good luck, beacause I really suay nowadays. Same for you all too~~ :(

Nitez ~Crimson Red~

Some Response

Back to ShanShan's problem, since JC is a short period of school term (just 2 years unlike secondary school or polytechnic)and CCA only counts for 5%, I suggest that you take up a CCA that is less-demanding. This will allow you to have more time to study (95% is alot).

Now's the second part for this entry and it's a short one. Perhaps you all might have guess it, that's right, it's the same as what i had sms-ed you all, and that's to wish you all a happy school term :D (How I wish my polytechnic will start soon, 3 more months X_x)


PS: I might be playing game all they long, lol. So feel free to come online and visit me, keke. (No choice, don't feel like looking for a job :D) Anyway, ShanShan, heard that you are sick, take care :D

CCA Troubles

today was a very tiring day at school man ! All games, dance, cheers and songs all the ways till 5.30pm..hmm feeling leh ? My OG still not too bad lah so not tat sian...i'm quite happy with PJC far no complaints bout it yet..hope it'll con't like this for my next 2 yrs..and i muz agree wif WC tat PJ's college song is really very nice !

hmm budden ar..i am oso facing a prob..the same prob wif choo choo -cca. I now oso fan nao which cca to choose first i was thinking about running for the council, budden ar come to think of it, PJ allows me to take up Chi 'A' as my 4th a-level sub..(btw, i'm taking up hist, econs and c maths) so tat means i have to spend more time on the i can't afford to spend so much time on the i think council is out for me ???

If join band ar...aiyoo hmm dun really feel like joining the same old thing again no fun ar..wanna try out sumthing new...maybe u guys will suggest CO rite ? Budden ar CO in PJ like not very established ar, like no qian tu hor...cos cca contributes 5% to our a-level grade rite ? 5% impt rite ? budden hor, if make myself so busy wif cca den in the end neglect studies den worst ar..95% leh !

Aiyoo so wad should i choose ar ? any suggestions from u guys ? Haha suddenly table-tennis popped up in my wad wad wad cca ???

To choo choo: Bear with ur temp class first lah..a few days later u will see sunshine again...

To susu: Enjoy ur Orientation Camp ar !

To wei-g: Hao Hao Zhao Gu our Choo Choo Jie okayz ?

To jun jun: Dun always come late lah ! Make me wait so long for u ? Buay paiseh ar ?

To kng kng: Go find work to do liao hor, dun slack at home on9, play games ar...

Purplish Purple

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

First Day of School

Talk abt my temporary CT class. I cant believe it either. It is a class full of tamils. Only 3 chinese girl out of 12 girls in the class. Oh god...why out me into a class of tamils when i said i am racist. Well...luckily this is only the temporary class. Thank god...i am not going to be stuck in that class for two years.

Just realise that yj have very limited cca for me. Today have to fill up the cca form and hand in. Have no idea wat to choose. Every cca on the list just doesn't seems to be of my interest. then in the end, no choice, anyhow put lor. Haha...guess wat i put. Never did i ever thought that i will put CO for my cca.

want me to say everything abt my day? I gonna be really long. Just do a summing up. yj os not as good as i thought but oso not as bad as i expect it to be. Contracdicting rite...but it is true. Just shock at the fact that there is no orientation at all...i am stuck in the class of tamils...the canteen is so small (haven tried out all the food yet)...the LT and auditorium are smaller than those in pj...and the list goes on. But there is definitely on thing that i am looking for one thing in yj. its the OBS camp for us! Finally got my chance of going to OBS...haha...

Wonder how things would differ in the weeks and the months and the year to come for me. Hopefully, much more fun and joy could be enjoyed by me in the days to come! =)

~the second color again, orange~

yoz yoz..! first day in jjc! jjc = kranji sia..... veri "kranji" lor... there will be an orientation camp from thurs all the way to train up our discipline...unity...teamwork...all that... look forward to that camp....cos from the first intake pple.... they say it's fun and memorable... oh ya...btw...the first friend that i get to know...--> shu hui ... oh the funny... i was like calling myself...and when others call shu hui/ su huay.... we two jus turn around the situation was like so funny...but also becos of this.... pple can rmb our names veri fast.... cos we are the su hui(S) hehe... k... let mi think ar... in the morning...we got talks.... and talks and talks...make mi sleep sia... den cheering and family = pjc clan... so it's the same la.... mi and nurul same family... all jjcians veri enthu one lor... keep on cheering....wah....impressed.... build up the whole atmosphere lor... like we are one of them... den after that mass dance... like kranji folkdance lor...but this mass dance...a little more pop and hot music lor... den girl and boy partner... my partner is a RV "businessman"...y? cos he owaz msg!!! dance oso can msg leh! li hai hor?? real busy sia him... den dance lor... quite fun...hee.... jj orientation another special is ...everyday oso got mass dance... summore got wat traditional mass dance... oh manz... hehe.... classrooms all that i dun knoe yet... but one thing i like...the hall is air-conditioned! yahoo! tt's all le la.... tata~!

~pinky pink~

Monday, March 22, 2004

How i wish that time can stop!!!

u know one of the ppl working there? How come i diden know about it? i like the river, the horse or the pig? It shall remain as a mystery. Dont' anyone dare to try any means to dig anything out from me anymore...i am not going to tell u all...haha.

Anyway, sch starting tml (not for kng ad xh). Still feel like having more fun before it starts. Time always seems to pass so fast when i am enjoying it...and so slowly when i am hating it. So sad. How i wish that time can stop.

Nvm, i believe time always flys...and the 1 year and 9 months will definitely pass faster than i think it would be. By then, i can enjoy myself again...haha...self-consoling...have to wait for 1 year and 9 months before really can keep on playing without having to think of anything...

Hmm...i am coming to an end le. Seems like junjun more long-winded than me. He no longer is the zong dian person after he had been with C7 for quite a period of time. laming again. -_-"

~the second color, orange~

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Best Outing This Month

We went to buy basketball for our VIP, wee kian. The present was sure expensive but lucky I know one of the people working there (my cousin I think) that's why can have more discount. Hehe. Wo li hai ba. On the way to get the gift, we have an exclusive interview (not to mention interactive and interesting too but I had already mention it!) with our very own C7 leader. So, in the end which one does wanchoo like? The river? The horse? Or is it the pig? Hehe... I can imagine ?question marks? on xiaohui's head now if she is reading it.

It was a happy day even though we did not manage to take a photo. However, there is always a next time. Then, we can see the nice teeth of wanchoo... hehe. Say cheese!

We also watch the movie "The Eye 2" too. The movie was not as bad as I thought earlier. At first, I thought it was another "just scare and no storyline movie" but later I think the
plot is quite okay since it also let us have some free space to imagine (xiang3 xiang4 de kong jian). Its was a little scary at the starting of the show but I think we are scared more by the sudden and loud sound rather than what we have seen. Wei-g even say he may scream (but he did not). And that's lucky because I may just give him a slap on the face if he really scream. Later, shanyi decided to change place with wei-g because she's scared sitting beside susu. Hehe. No lah. It's because she's scared to sit at the side. I think quite cold hor? Towards the end of the show, the movie gets more funny rather than frightening as the truth is coming to light.

Hwah! (again) Its 2.30am le. Din know i wrote so long le. Must cut short. I still need to wake up early tomorrow to watch tv. Of course, and also to revert back to my old habit of getting up early to school.

Later, we went to eat at "lau di fang" you all know lah. On the other hand, what happens before we eat you all also know lar.

A week of holiday passed just like that. We, excluding kngkng n xiaohui, have to go to school to study again. Just so sad arh (for me). Hope I will get a good class with talkative and friendly classmates and good teachers. I just have to hang on for 1 year and 9 more months. And then, haha I'm not a pioneer anymore. I have absolutely nothing to do with it. But until then, I'm a true pioneer crossing every new frontier...(I'm still not familiar with the lyrics of the college song hehe)

Okae! I really want to end the diary here le because it's really very early le. I look forward to our next outing. Or perhaps study group? Anyway, I just want you all to know that I am really very happy today. I would like to thank... wahhh really no time liao.

~The first colour, Red~

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

What is Happening...I don't know

It had been a long long time since all the Concentration 7 members got together. The birthday celebration for Jun and wj, as far as i am concern, was the last time that we really meet up with each other. Two weeks or so..

We all had wanted to meet yesterday. However, i cant make it in the end. My relatives from Malaysia was coming to Singapore and had only informed us in the last minute. thats was why i cant make it. I know that some would be angry at the fact that plans are always apoilt at the very last minute. I am sorry about that but i cant just ignore my relatives who came all the way to Singapore..

I think u all would have to agree with me that we miss each other greatly in this period of time that we never meet up with each other. Well, if u all don't agree, at least u all know that i am missing those time that we got together and talk--talk about everything, play--play all the stupidest game we can come up with.

It is not that everyone do not want to meet. Sometimes, its just too hard for each and everyone to find a common free time that everyone can make it. We have our own life, we have our own things to do. Everyone is different. Therefore, for us to stay together for as long as we can, we would have to compromise and accomodate. Though it is not possible all the time, but we have to accept this true hard facts. We may not be able to meet as and when we like, but just contiue to look forward to that day. It will come...sooner or later.

It may seems like empty waiting, but like what susu mention, absence makes the heart fonder. then that way, we will even treasure the time we are together.

Personally, i think that if everyone is having the feeling that C7 will not work when we does not meet up for so long, or C7 will 'collaspe' when we cant even have a time to chat online, or anything that let anyone feels that C7 is not together, then all the more we should make full use of this diary. we my come up at different time of the day, write down what we are feeling or thinking. And when the others come online to read the diary, we can know what is happening to each and everyone. At least this way, we can feel each other's existence. At least we can still feel the bond there. .

I am not trying to force everyone to write here. But i think that everyone is quite upset for the fact that we were unable to meet yesterday. I am trying to tell everyone that there is always other means to feel the bond as long as we put in the effort to do so. i just hope that this space that is already opened up will be make full use of..

i do not know if anybody is going to read this entry. All i know now is that i am feeling much better after i had written this entry..


Sunday, March 7, 2004

What had i done wrong???

Anyway, juz feel like writing here suddenly. I don't know why, but i seems to be hating everything in the world...esp my sis...

Haiz. She is simply sooo irritating. I cant stand her. I hate her. She is always pulling a long and black face at mi. I do not know what i had done wrong or in what way i had made her unhappy. I really had no idea. But why does she have to do that to me???

It juz makes me feel upset. I tried all means to let her have her ways. I tried all means not to yell at her. But i cant stand it anymore. Not anymore.

Many times, i wanted to scold her, to lecture her. For her rudeness, for her disrespect, for her irresponsibility. But i did not. I don't wish our relationship to worsen anymore (though i do not know why she is always giving that kind of face)

Haiz...i am really at the lost. I don't know what to do. I am feeling so bad but what can i do? Everything seems wrong to her. Why is she lydat?


Thursday, March 4, 2004


hmm.....actually nuthin to write oso la.... juz register yesterday....the first five choie of mine jc....den the rest all poly... actually ...i am quite attracted to np business studies....sound so chim...hehe....but.... i am still going jc la....juz find the course not bad lor...

went to see nyjc... the school ar....veri "wanchoo" and "weijie" cos it is veri orangy and yellowish...wanchoo will like the lift alot....cos it is real orange in colour...hehe.... den other parts of the sch yellow lor.... veri sunshine...quite like the place lor....hope they wan mi... k's all for the jae time updated more.....buaiz~!

~pinky pink~

Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Finally Decided...

Today, woke up early in the morning and play basketball with C7, except susu and sy, and our guest...tweety bird. one is my challenger table tennis. =P

Had a hard time deciding where to go for the past few days...but now i think i more or less decided my choice liao.

1st choice: sajc

2nd choice: ajc

3rd choice: yjc...thats where i probably will end up in...

Hmm...tml playing badminton again. Haha...mi like soo healthy hor, everyday go execrise. Hopefully i will find a challenger for badminton tml...hehe... =P


p.s: seems like no one is updating arh...>