Tuesday, March 23, 2004

First Day of School

Talk abt my temporary CT class. I cant believe it either. It is a class full of tamils. Only 3 chinese girl out of 12 girls in the class. Oh god...why out me into a class of tamils when i said i am racist. Well...luckily this is only the temporary class. Thank god...i am not going to be stuck in that class for two years.

Just realise that yj have very limited cca for me. Today have to fill up the cca form and hand in. Have no idea wat to choose. Every cca on the list just doesn't seems to be of my interest. then in the end, no choice, anyhow put lor. Haha...guess wat i put. Never did i ever thought that i will put CO for my cca.

want me to say everything abt my day? I gonna be really long. Just do a summing up. yj os not as good as i thought but oso not as bad as i expect it to be. Contracdicting rite...but it is true. Just shock at the fact that there is no orientation at all...i am stuck in the class of tamils...the canteen is so small (haven tried out all the food yet)...the LT and auditorium are smaller than those in pj...and the list goes on. But there is definitely on thing that i am looking for one thing in yj. its the OBS camp for us! Finally got my chance of going to OBS...haha...

Wonder how things would differ in the weeks and the months and the year to come for me. Hopefully, much more fun and joy could be enjoyed by me in the days to come! =)

~the second color again, orange~

yoz yoz..! first day in jjc! jjc = kranji sia..... veri "kranji" lor... there will be an orientation camp from thurs all the way to saturday...to train up our discipline...unity...teamwork...all that... look forward to that camp....cos from the first intake pple.... they say it's fun and memorable... oh ya...btw...the first friend that i get to know...--> shu hui ... oh manz...so the funny... i was like calling myself...and when others call shu hui/ su huay.... we two jus turn around together..so the situation was like so funny...but also becos of this.... pple can rmb our names veri fast.... cos we are the su hui(S) hehe... k... let mi think ar... in the morning...we got talks.... and talks and talks...make mi sleep sia... den cheering and family time....family = pjc clan... so it's the same la.... mi and nurul same family... all jjcians veri enthu one lor... keep on cheering....wah....impressed.... build up the whole atmosphere lor... like we are one of them... den after that mass dance... like kranji folkdance lor...but this mass dance...a little more pop and hot music lor... den girl and boy partner... my partner is a RV "businessman"...y? cos he owaz msg!!! dance oso can msg leh! li hai hor?? real busy sia him... den dance lor... quite fun...hee.... jj orientation another special is ...everyday oso got mass dance... summore got wat traditional mass dance... oh manz... hehe.... classrooms all that i dun knoe yet... but one thing i like...the hall is air-conditioned! yahoo! tt's all le la.... tata~!

~pinky pink~

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