Saturday, March 27, 2004

Hunky Tan's 5th Entry

junjun: I'm not FORCING you to join CO loh. IF u do read carefully, i did mention that join something that you like loh. And clarify something abt CO's "scores", like i have said, it's just numbers (1 2 3 4 5 6 7), no notes, but numbers. However u r not joining, up to you, but just to clarify with you la.

And for what i have read from wanchoo's CT's quotation, it's VERY VERY true loh. Hmm, friends and buddies are really important in the school or even in the society when u step out to work etc.

Hmm, some people might be slackers but i agree with wanchoo, never be a slacker yourself (applies to all of us). Though my classmates... err... play Dai Di during every break BUT they are all hardworking bees, plan their time and manage them well loh.

BUT for one thing. THINK positively (i've learn this when i know u guys as well as when i stepped into YJ). If we keep thinking negatively, everything will be worked out negatively by us, some sort of backfire.

Well, i admit that it's easy for us to say but difficult for us to perform or carry out. So, it's very important to know what exactly u want and HOW and WHAT are u going to do to attain that thing. and of coz, how long (determination) u are going to put in the 'effort'.

Hope u guys understand...applies to all, including myself. "Lov the sch, class, teachers, sub" to get better results. DONT end up hating everything as it will backfire you. *Proven and i experienced!

Hope everyone's fine and gets better (adaptation etc) and of coz happy ^^ hehe

All the best to all again ^^

~Shinning Yellow~ 26 Mar 2004, fri, starry

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