Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Hope my wishes come true

So sad arh pjc only got 1 dance and now the jc1s ogls are teaching it and they like don't know how to teach like that. And some even dance wrongly. And I can see that one of them give a irritated face when the ogls on stage have to repeat some steps again.

So sad ah. I feel like going poly. But I think I will try for a year and see if I am jc or poly material or none of both...

And regarding CCA, I also don't know what to join. I not good at sports then table tennis also I not good. Then, band and CO I also cannot because need to learn how to read score then they say accept former members only (in sec sch) then if I join can learn but sure cannot go for performance then no CCA points. And KngWEE!!! 5 percent cannot say never mind and spend time on the other 95 percent. We are going to spend time on CCA on matter what so why not use that to get the 5% instead of wasting time on it.

Haha I finally tired le after chatting and writing in diaryland. Thanks XiaoHui for listening to me and thanks my JJ friend if she can hear haha. But I really want some1 to punch let off some steam because I am really angry with the stupid og also.

Frankly speaking, I am also jealous of you all having a good time (or at least not a bad time) in your colleges. I am so jealous looking at other ogs cheering so loudly and the people so enthusiastic and the ogls so active in interacting with their ogs. I did't know I will get too jealous of anything until today. Haiya... Now I know what susu feels like in her og last time in pj. No wonder she hates it. And I think I am worse than her now.

Hehe I really tired le. Now I can go sleep and forget all the troubles. Think I siao le mah? Tired also happy. At least I don't feel anything when I am tired (except tiredness and lameness) haha. I will be normal again when the orientation is over I think.

And shanyi ah, I really sorry lor because I really tired yesterday because I play basketball with Tsung Hsien they all for 3 hours so really tired lor. (I played lesser today hehe) Then if u really don't want to wait then never mind lor. I last time go kss also go alone everyday and after wanchoo they all withdraw or ponteng I also go alone. Another thing is that my face will be expressionless in pjc most of the time. (except when I smile when I see people just to be polite) So, if I pretend not to see you then I am sorry because I really no mood sometimes.

Haha I am yawning now. Can go sleep le. By the way I thought of another name - Yi2 Xuan1. (saw the name in Wo Chai)

Now I just hope that I can get the subjects I want (maths, phy, chem) and get into a good class with good classmates and teachers. Wish me good luck, beacause I really suay nowadays. Same for you all too~~ :(

Nitez ~Crimson Red~

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