Thursday, March 25, 2004

Yan Dao's 4th Entry (response)

JunSheng: Hmm, wadeva it is, since u have chosen PJ, get the right attitude towards PJ or u might end up hating it which is not good loh. CCA wise, i think CO can loh...IF PJ's CO's small right, the newbies can or rather will oso perform one...cos small = no effect de.... and hor, CO abit cheating de... for newbies, they start off with numbers, now, me no music notes (real score sheets)...all i see is numbers... so it's easier for us to follow (tt's my YJ's case). Or some clubs...dont see chess or IT clunb nth to do...will have competitions (national and international) one hor... if u are good at it, u win in those competitions, u get points oso.. CCA thing maybe u might consult ur CT or use ^^ (below part at SY's there got oso some comments abt CCA for ya)

Wanchoo: Where got no orientation... declare here or they really "dodo". Orientation will be held AFTER new class formed =D and i think ur class-life will be more exciting after forming permanent class... esp if come to mine... u will be laughing to death everydae..

Weijie: comments..

KngWee: No comments yet...haha, so envy u, still shaking legs at home :p read our entries then maybe give comments bah =p

XiaoHui: Dont think she comes

Shanyi: eager to ask u join CO oso =p so can perform and play together...but all's up to u... there's no CCA can get points without hardwork and time loh. =D and it would be better IF u get to choose a CCA that you like... cos no point choosing a CCA tt can get lots of points but u dislike it right? (for junjun to see oso)

Susu: join CO oso!! haha... also loh, to ur liking =D and hor, u will get used to the long journey one dae like me oso one.

ALL: Miss and Luv u all~ kaka (no goosebumps are allow to pop out =p) And no matter what happens, can tok to us loh, sahre it, u will feel better one. And no matter how high the "hurdle(s)" that u are facing, face it and try to get over it... since WE already chose the path we are going to. My hotline (hp/hse) is always on for you =D im ur welfare officer afterall right?

KK, miss and luv me too!

Sparkling Yellow, 24 March 2004, wed, 6:01pm

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